Ridiculous Queues

I seen on twitter apparently France staff were advised to strike today because of Activison Blizzard making them all redundant.

Is that why the login gates have been murdered?

What am I supposed to do with my evening now, talk to my kids? My fiance? But I dont even have anything in common with them anymore thanks to this game…


Probably just blizzard failing again. This has been happening lately more than once. it is just way worse today.

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its a reverse queue too , instead of going down it goes up . wonder if queues are based on Australia servers


Waited an hour and got to 170 min and it then jumped to 289 WTF???


I thought it was bugged so closed the app and tried to reopen that… Paying the price big time here

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how can they not fix this yet ,everytime this happens just fix it ,atleast let me play something else

For every minute players wait Bobby Kotic gets another $

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its a shambles as always

That is very voolish of you to think they will fix their ways. :wink:

I went from 300+ mins, down to 60 mins, back up to 120mins, down to 60mins and finally back up to 139mins. What a mess lol.

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battlenet logged out while i was cooking. this afternoon it was 16 minutes. now it is 475 minutes

Logged on earlier today, tweaked my character then had to go to work. Logged when I finished, 120 minute queue. Left for half an hour, suddenly increased to 287 minutes. I think going to wait for a day or two!

battle.net app never worked why do we still have it

Idd, it is pretty useless, 560 minute que here

ok my wow realm is offline why cant i play modern warfare instead or get into any game

just go through game not battle net straight in :slight_smile:

thats not working keeps kicking me cant connect to blizzard app

i just went offline and waited in the que and I’m back on

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still got told i was in a queue

Gone from 457 mins to 528 mins