Riding mounts start by lv 10

Good morning everybody,

Since in hardcore you can just level up to lv 60 but just get a mount to ride by lv 40.That is just 20 lv of having the ability to move faster than walking. I would say you should have riding mounts already by lv 10.That would make much more fun. The riding mount speed could be then lets say 50% faster than walking and over time it will increase up to 100% by lv 40.

Unknown why this is not implemented over the 30 years of wow.

Let me know what you think about my idea.

Classic hardcore is probably not the game for you if not having a mount before 40 is a problem. You will likely not even be able to afford one at 40 let alone at level 10. Would you like some free epics with your mount at level 10 too?

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I heard there is some version of WoW where you can ride a dragon from level 10.

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Even dumber suggestion than dual spec, but they, the did that so you never know.