As we see, righteous orbs required for many new crafts in phase 8. And i am sure that blizzard will add new sources for them (as they will be in very high demand on new phase)
I want to make a suggestion for 1 additional source. As we know, in naxxramas phase we needed a lot of profession cooldowns for tier items (cured rugged hides/mooncloth/arcanite bars). But in new phase (especially after last ptr change that replaced cured rugged hides with cured thick hides) they are not needed anymore. That’s understandable - their price was really high, especially of cured rugged hides. However, in new phase, i think their price will drop to nearly zero as many people levelled a lot of alts for professions, but they are not needed anymore in such big amount.
So, my suggestion - make a possibility to exchange 1 of any of those reagents of your choice (cured rugged hide, mooncloth, arcanite bars) for 1 righteous orb. It will help to balance orbs prices especially in 1st days (i know that they now also drop from open world mobs, but world will be overcrowded in 1st week at least), and also it will keep profession cooldown prices at decent, but not very high level (around 30-40 gold i think)