Focused Growth is going to be removed. These devs have no idea for the future of this spec. It’s sad - extremely sad. The state of R Druid in PvP is absolutely disasterous since TWW release and devs were not able to bring it back to the meta since then. They try to force players into Dream of Cenarius but it’s just bad and doesn’t work.
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i mean the main Druid dev left in the end of Shadowlands, and now some minimum Wage Basement Dev is working on it, dont expect to much, it´s joever for Druids.
Awesome sad… we are weakest healer in game, and this will decrease our output for additional -5% at minimum.
It’s reverted luckily but still doesn’t change the fact R Druid is terrible.
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r druid bad this expac maybe its chance other play charecter
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