RIP shadowlnds affliction

Drain soul + necrolord ability was the thing that made affli playable.
Now that is gutted I think warlocks should go Destruction + necrolords + inferno/cataclysm + wilfred legendary + rain of chaos

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I don’t think this kills Affliction, it is more opening the other covenants for Affliction.

I think with this changes Soul Rot is now more interesting


Decimating Bolt was overtuned, if you didnt see it comming…
They also clearly wanted to get rid of the fire only build. As you saw it with the special nerf to fire and brimstone with decimating bolt only.
Now it opens up the other covenants. Previously it was Necrolords or die.

Personally I am eyeballing the Venthyr now.

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Necrolord destruction is still a thing:

For single target: Conflag legendarie + roaring blaze

For m+: wilfred + inferno + rain of chaos

I will never choose kyrians for a warlock

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Ugh, Kyrian seems to be the META now for both affliction and destruction. I do like the ability they provide, however I really detest the rest of the covenant. Hopefully Venthyr will still be viable enough.

People need to stop looking at covenants with only the active abilities in mind.

While Deci-Bolt was OP in conjunction with Drain Soul, Necrolord Soulbinds were a non-factor in terms of dps, whereas Kyrian and Venthir both provide a DPS gain.

Kyrian and Venthir Covenant-Abilies also scale with Adds/AoE, which Decibolt doesn’t.

It’s all a maths question and all we can do is wait for theorycrafters to create the proper APLs and run the sims, to see what builds are the strongest and how well they fare compared to other classes.

After these nerfs, the covenants are closer to eachother, which is good.

After release we’ll get a tuning pass to see that classes are somewhat in balance and at that point it’s better to be the 5th best dps class rather than being the best and get peppered with nerfs.

No, it didn’t, kyrian and venthyr were viable before the changes aswell.

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the drain soul build was very strong for execute, but there were other builds using kyrian which was still very strong maybe better in certain situations, so aff is not dead at all, and kyrian is currently the better option for destro as well

Whoever thought necrolord affliction wouldn’t get nerfed was naive.
Now that necrolord aint mandatory for pve lets hope other covenants actually step up.

Destruction with Kyrian’s abilities is preety insane, so do Afflition

A positive of the nerf is that affliction will be much nicer to play on heavy movement fights

I don’t know about PvE but Afflictions is among strongest PvP specs. Maybe it’s time to push gladiator instead of Mythic Raid xD

necrolord was absolutely busted and i’m so glad it got nerfed.

it limited mobility and spamming drain soul doesn’t sound fun.

Now it is Venthyr not only because of the soul binds.

But i like the night fae ability, too.

How do you choose your covenant? What you want to play or what is best dps wise?

I choose whatever makes me optimal in PvP. Luckily that appears to be Venthyr at the moment, which is also what I find the most visually appealing.
The moment the balance shifts however, I’m switching to whatever happens to end up on top again.

I guess that is what s lot of people are doing, blizzard is still not listening to the players for 100%. If they would, they would know that the soul binds should be the same across the covenants. Just change the name.

night fae will be generally terrible so unless you love the lore you should probly just avoid it. all of the others are a toss up atm, depending on final tuning and what you are doing, venthyr might be better for dungeons as an example

I will play arena 2vs2 with another dps, so it will be venthyr

Necro got even more nerf, time to reroll spriests who are getting buffed

what are you talking about lmao, spriest got nerfed and affliction is still super good