Ripple | 1/9M + Zaqali Mythic 26% 2 days raiding guild LF DPS & healer

Hello everyone, we are the Ripple on the server Ragnaros EU.

Raid schedule

We do raid 2 times a week every, Wednesday 20:00 - 23:00 & Thursday 20:00 - 23:00 Server time (You must be available for all 2 nights with high attendance since its a 2 day raiding guild). Outside of raiding many people will be doing other things like running M+, Arenas, RBGs and social discussions on discord server

What we expect from you

We expect you to come to raids fully prepared. This means knowing both your class and the fight inside out. Raiding only few hours a week means we just don’t have time to brute-force an encounter – we focus on preparation, team-work and skill. This also means that you are expected to attend the vast majority of our raid days


Currently we are looking for 1 Healer and few more DPS!

Add me on battlenet as OTPLoreTTV#2871

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We are still looking for DPS and Healer to add to our Raid roster. Lower raid experience is perfectly fine.

Looking for mature & chill people to start Mythic Progression soon (Average guild’s age 30+).

Still looking for DPS and Healer! Tomorrow we will be doing a fresh run HC up to Sarkareth included.

Hopefully by the next week we will be able to step into Mythic Raiding aswell, please add me if you are interested and want to kill some bosses in a positive mood without feeling too much under-pressure.



We are still looking for Healers and DPS to start progressing in Mythic.

At the moment we are 9/9HC

Yesterday we did all the HC run in less than 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Still looking for DPS and Healer to jump into Mythic! =)

Add me on battlenet: OTPLoreTTV#2871

We are still in need for more dps and a healer to begin our mythic progression.

Still looking for the last few DPS and 1 healer to start Mythic raiding and have some fun =)

Add me: OTPLoreTTV#2871

Looking for DPS and Healer to start Mythic progression.

9/9 HC in less than 1 hour and 30 mins! Still looking for DPS and Healer to go into Mythic!

If you want to have fun with no toxicity and adults people, join us!


Join us in our Mythic progression ! Still need dps and a healer !

Ladies and Gentleman, we are still recruiting DPS and Healers to jump into Mythic, if you are looking for a guild 30+ years older that knows how to respect each other while putting effort into achieving a goal, join us!

Battlenet: OTPLoreTTV#2871

Next week we are starting Mythic progression, still looking for DPS !

Mythic next week! Looking for the last few dps and 1 healer with off-spec also DPS to add to the roster =) Join us


Still looking for DPS !
Thursday we start Mythic progress

Kazzara Mythic went down after few pulls, Zaqali Mythic best pull was 26%, still looking for some DPS


Join us on our Mythic progression
We are still in need of DPS and 1 Healer

Currently looking for 1 Healer and few DPS, zaqali mythic 26% join us

battlenet OTPLoreTTV#2871

We are still looking for more DPS. Join us on our Mythic progression !

Looking for 1 DH havoc (really needed) and few more DPS…

Join us =)

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