Rising Dragon sweep needs removing

You have literally created the most anti caster spell in the history of wow with only Mages being able to counter it by blinking back to the floor.

Remove it asap, Monk DO NOT NEED IT


Absolutely agreed. It event counters some melees as a bonus.

I can’t count how many times i have cancelled a warrios charge with it. It’s actually comical.

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Even monks themselves do not like it. Just delete and give Alpha Tiger back.

I only play MW and i gpt planty of insta i can use in the air, sure most caster have something too press

More annoying are overall grips and knocks, last BG Blitz i got knockt arround 24/7 Dk have 7 grips with no dr, then vortex hunter knock and racial push backs its insane i would need roll with no Dr too come away from a DK alone

if properly timed

rising dragon sweep , then use a knockback like thunderstorm
watch your target fly to Narnia

make sure to macro /wave at them as they fly at jet speed

have fun out there.

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