Rising plague in LFG pugs that needs to stop

I’ll keep it short and simple and i hope Blizz will atleast take it into concideration… So basically the last week i’ve done basically nothing but spam dungeons and there are SO many people these days who just casually auto attacks to first boss with a terrible performance, people giving them the benefit of a doubt… When an item drops they just refuse to roll for it and go AFK to literally get carried or deliberately piss everyone off… Whenever they’re called out for it they’re just being a smug smartass knowing exactly what they’re doing is anything but fair. It’s getting to the point it’s creating not anti-fun but also sabotages gameplay towards others trying to catch a ‘free ride’ throgu ha dungeon and since an item is rolling there’s nothing anybody can do about it… Given how long a boss item last it can take minutes before anyone can vote to kick them and it’s happening over and over lately to the point where we just do a complete stop for like 2+ minutes only to kick them only to have them replaced with another.

Please Blizzard i’m begging you to allow us to kick them WHILE rolls are active.

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