Rmp benefits from everything

high damp games have been happening since season 2. Nothing new there and conflict major wasn’t the reason it was happening for rmx in s4.

And everyone disliked it. Before you answer “no I didn’t so not everyone” or some other similar stuff, most players stated this was unbearable, tournament players at this time were quite unstatisfied about game pace this season and were vocal about it, and forum and reddit were full of tears about the so called dampening meta. And I’ll even add that between the vendor and the versa amp nerf as well as the C&S nerf people even said please we had that in season 2 already.

So yeah, the large majority disliked the too long games.

Yeah because ESSENCES DIDN’T EXIST. So quite naturally there was another reason, and these were CoS items. And at some point in S4 these items didn’t really exist but versa amp stacking + conflict gave similar results.

You don’t need the exact same cause to reach a similar result. Spill some oil, and lit a match, you’ll get a fire. Spill any different firestarter and use a blowtorch, boom, a fire ! Crazy, I know.

RMP one ov most deceptively brended monkimen composhon in geme. zey want meke u biliv it SKILLLLLZZZZZ but rmp stop bein skillllllzzzzzz LOOOONG time ago. now i see dogpoopoo squirrel bren rog, magisian and paladink or pris who never get 2k bifor bfa suddenli 2.7 as rmp. an zen zey come here an sey zey skillzzzzzzzzz aaahahahahahaahahahahah it so funny an sads mens it maked me laughings and cryings seme time :rofl: :sleepy:


An amazing feat then !

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Imagine marksman hunter being loved like rogue/destro…

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Specc sv get ghoushing=freeglad with Jungle

Jungle is actually extremely crazy right now.

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Who said anything about SV?

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I mean just specc it and u will see

Is it also not a RMX counter, in addition to that?! Would you look at that, RMX does have difficult matchups after all…

Yes it is, and quite a very hard one at that.

But shhh, people must keep believing RMX is unbeatable, never has a hard match-up, and rules forever.

its always been like this the devs do not allow rogue to be less than godlike.

RMX is busted and water is wet.

Say what you want about RMX (it’s definitely too strong), but I still think it’s better for the health of the game that RMX is too strong rather than having C&S major or tank trinkets being too strong, as having the game start 10 mins after the gates open because it’s impossible to die before 60% dampening makes for atrocious gameplay.

Ideally things would just be balanced, but this game never has been, so I wouldn’t really hope for too much.

Tank trinkets Where bad.
Corruption now is super bad.
Warlock is dumb af also i see s1 s2 s3 rivals haveing 2.5 now

I don’t get why that is a problem tho? Obviously a lot of people are boosted these days, but is it really that hard to believe that players can actually improve? I always wonder how people forget their first steps in PvP. Even back in the days it was possible to improve really fast and you only had Warcraftmovies which mostly was a compilation of good clips, sometimes with moves that you only use in 1 out of 100 arenas, nowadays you can just watch twitch all day and learn because people also stream their mistakes or talk about why they do something, it’s so much easier to get better - obviously game is way easier aswell, but it’s not like there hasn’t been a busted class or comp before to act so surprised.

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nothing wrong with players getting better but its not right people being able to reroll braindead specs like assa, fmage, or destro completly takes the fun out of the game.


When I go to buy a coffee, I don’t even have to show my discount card, I just tell them I play RMP and boom I get it half price.


So that’s how you do it.

Hahahaha nice man

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