I just came back on wow after a while, on TWW expansion and already made full gear through Solo Shuffle, came to a rating of 1.8k so rival. I really wanna push to glad on 3v3, i have over 2k arenas 2v2 played on different populated servers. So i do know a bit about arenas and los and all. But i feel like it is very hard to find people that actually want to climb and actually won’t leave after you lose an arena or things like that.
How can I find people, how can I climb with someone, or even alone?
Is it hard to reach glad or even further without having to voice chat?
In my most “climb to 1.8k” solo shuffle i did like always twice the damage the 2nd person did. I just need some advices and i just want to know your ways of doing it, i really hope someday i can sit on my mount and actually help other people achieve their glad if they also ask! I tried skillcapped but that only taught me a few things, it has helped but i feel like it was not enough. Please guys let me know what advices you get for that, I love playing unholy DK and i wanna stick to that only. I do not want to change class just for that. Honestly it was my dream on wow whenever i was playing but now i am more serious about pvp.
This is prolly the worst season to climb glad ever, due to deflated MMR in 3s and population scattered mostly in other brackets.
I expect only the usual ppl, that get together glad every season, will get it.
LFR is most of the times unpleasant experience, but sometime You stumble upon a gem. Some ppl are amazing, some less so
But what do I know, I am just nobody without glad in any season.
Everyone is different so it depends on you. A few comps in the current meta are so faceroll and keyboard drooler friendly you don’t even need voice, e.g. Thunder, Assa Affli, Ele Feral, anything with a Fury Warrior.
Also if you’re not playing as or with:
Frost Mage
Aff Lock
Then you are automatically at a disadvantage. These specs are on a different planet.
The best thing you can do is to push shuffle rly high to prove ure good enough to que for glad
At some point I changed my main acc for a new one, so I pumped shuff till like top 10 of my class, and then it became rly fine to que into glad partners
Ppl can kekw at shuffle as random n not that skilled type of pvp, but still if you’re able to get to the top standings of your spec , they will play with you
Otherwise you’ll prob will be stuck not able to queue with skilled ppl
That’s purely main gating issue for current situation. With all ease of rerolling regarding meta ladder is filled with S tier comps, and unholy dk is one of the worst dps at the moment.
Accounting that lfg is very underwhelming and people tend to group with the best possible options, to find partners on uhdk is highly unlikely. Regarding class itself it’s still possible, there are some uhdk-bm-disc on 2.4+
Current mmr situation is much better than df s2-3, it’s on par with df s4, accounting we still have a month left
Just from how the article alone is worded, you are not even remotely prepared. The effort it takes you to get 1.8 in shuffle you will need to do tenfold just to get 2.1 in 3s, let alone glad.
If you want to save yourself some time, your fastest and most efficient way is just working overtime and buying a gladiator carry for the cash you make as you buy wow tokens, cuz not only you’ll learn actual stuff from these people, but it will also greatly diminish the time spent achieving it, and with that “badge of skill” you will also be able to come into contact with more players in the next seasons. You’ll have to dump out around 18 mil gold though, so get ready to buy a lot of tokens (roughly 940 eur’s worth).
And no, I’m not joking. If the upcoming seasons will see the same participation as this one does, you will literally not be able to obtain gladiator as a newcomer, unless you buy a boost, because premade multigladiator teams are stacked in the bracket starting around 1.7 mmr onwards, and have been this way since DF s1.
To put it into perspective - I have 9 seasonal Elites (2400) in various brackets except 3v3, but if I were to actually play 3v3, I would be able to reach around 2.2 mmr this season, and then get completely hardstuck without any progress whatsoever.