Roast the Poster above you >:3 đŸ”„ #1

Sit boy
be quiet and stop biting your leash

I still wonder who is the female in the blood elves race

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Feel a lot of doubt about your gender too
 If you still have any?


You have too much corruption that even your character got it own tentacles ! Even tentacle instead of a tail !

Maybe you like that :grin:


Or maybe you would? Mmmm :>

Dude why a goat got more tail than a wolf. Even IRL wolf got more tails !

But i like my worgen without tails

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Yes, you are certainly deficient in that area.

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Your name sounds like what a half-drunken Samurai would yell whilst falling off a cliff.


Your guild name legitimately disgusts me. I knew Goblins were greasy, but jeeeeeze

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Greasy like the food you om-nom on

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Wait, what are you imply- ?!?!?!!?!


brushes tongue with soapy sponge repeatedly

A-harkh; A-harkh; A-harkh

I eat perfectly healthy, tyvm.

Unlike you, you’re nothing but skin and bone, you anorexic fool!

Here, have 3 hams, 7 sausage rolls, 12 bean buns, and 600g of rice.

That should keep you going until lunchtime.


This is the reason why when i eat pandaren i don’t need to feed for 3 week.


Fat is best insulation everyone knows that

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You would know.

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And you, clearly, wouldn’t. I don’t think you’ll be able to do the Shadowlands expansion - you’ll surely freeze to death on your way to Ice Crown and then snap like the delicate, brittle twig you are. Oh well, it’s better than going wretched, I suppose


Sounds like something you’d do as well, since only ice trolls can deal with Cold.


And orcs can only deal with the ugly.

And belves can only deal with having only females in their race, so they have to breed with human males. :<

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Think I’ll pass on this one, I’m against animal cruelty.

Would not wanna upset his beast by roasting his pet orc.

All I can see in your beautiful green eyes is pain. Pain of having to get a prosthetic body because of getting stomped on for 14 years.

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