Rogue 10.2

Hi, I haven’t played that many hours in the game and I still don’t fully understand everything, that’s why I’m turning to you world of warcraft rogue experts. I want to ask, I would really like to play rogue, so I have the following questions:
Is it worth starting a new rogue character before 10.2 and expiring it?
What specifically will change to rogue in patch 10.2? (PVE, PVP) I know that Rogue is not the easiest, so I’m more interested in the PVE side.

Which spec is the best and easiest for fast PVE exp (Now and after 10.2 in your opinion)

Which race have the best animations and best looking mogs for rogue (ally/horde) (iam thinking about void elves).

Thank you all for your answers

everything depend on what you aim for.
all our specs are usually viable.
pve is open world, m+, raid, different specs can be better for different types of the content.
if you want to play low skill level you can macro alot of stuff, if you want to min-max you can check rogue class discord, wowhead, etc, and learn it deeply.

thank you but it should i start now with rogue or on 10.2 patch ?

If your going for Mythic plus, I would have gone for something else.

Rogue gives nothing to a team comp in mythic plus other then damage.
There is more then enough damage in other classes that also bring utility and buffs to the party.

Now that Outlaw, the “strongest” PvE spec is getting a 6% dmg nerf I would have gone for something else. I can only speak for Mythic plus since I dont do much raiding.

If you are going to test PvP:
I think Sub can be a good candidate if you like playing sub I think that will be a good pick for Arena and Bg, Assassin might be somewhat good in Arena but I think they will struggle in BG because of wramp up on targets and they are just way more squeeze then the other specs so I think they will struggle in BG/RBG setting.

So in PvE I would personally not be taking any Rogues with me in mythic plus, they just dont add any value to a group. More or less all classes have some sort of stun and silence. I would say Mage, Hunter, Monk, Druid (Balance and Feral) maybe DH havent testet them in 10.2. But all of them bring more then damage to a group.
And all of them do great damage!

Mage: Food, Bloodlust, Arcane int, Sheep, A shield to give to the hole party or mass invis and great dmg. I also think survival hunter will be one of the best mythic plus specs if not the best. Damage is aslo insane in 10.2, Bloodlust, CC with traps and stun, they also have tranq shoot.

In mythic plus there havent been much skipping adds either in this exp so Shroud have lost some value. If its absolutly needed, then a party can take invis pots with them. You get were Im going… If your not playing pug, then I dont think it matters that much.

Incoming outlaw nerf:

All three rogue specs have something to it, try them and decide what suits you the best.

Rework is kinda mad, there will be a lot of dmg when played correctly and you can get slowly into that.

The main difference is what feels right for you in terms of gameplay.
Subtlety has rhytmic rotation, where you go from baseline to uptempo with shadow dance and back. And you are CC machine in M+ as you can seamlessly stun in pulls.

Outlaw is much more reactive and fast, you will be on the lookout for combo point surges naturally from rotation. I feel Outlaw nice when I have bad mood and need something to punch, but I think this one is the purest DPS orientation, you just smack hard no big utility.

Assassination is DoT oriented while they try to return full-outing back in 10.2. It has longer setup and the damage needs little bit of getting used to. But in the single target / cleave it is hitting like asteroid, in M+ it is quite okay DMG-wise, but more on the side of utility ( AoE silence, dmg reduction on tank, cast speed reduction on mobs etc.). With certain builds I would say even semi-support.

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