Rogue and DH lf Guild

Hey there,

Orolol-Blackrock and Dinella-Blackrock, we both are looking for a rading guild. Server transfers are no problem. We are looking for a Raiding guild with the goal of clearing the Heroic content and a few Mythic bosses after that. Our prefered Raiding times would be 1-2 Days, mon/wed/sun.

Hi Orolol,

Maybe you could consider Synfull on Dragonblight-eu. Our goal is to achieve curve every single patch, and try to fit in a mythic boss if we have the numbers. Please have a look at our recruitment post, and feel free to reach out if you would like some more information!

Best regards,


Hey there if you add my discord Calzonker#9365 we can have a quick chat, we’re 100% for the 2 classes you guys are playing and our raid days fit perfectly with what you’re looking for :slight_smile: