Rogue damage in pvp gone

Thanks, now sit

let’s hope they giga nerf hunt/pal/rogue even more , good changes :slight_smile:

bruda, one lock selfheal dot outdamage and outheal whole rogue stunlock combo

except you can’t heal yourself if he one shot you under one KS even with 6K hp and SL active.

OH NO! Man these warlocks and their self heal dots, so broken right!? Have you tried getting in melee range?

2 trolls sw@lowing each other, touching

say the lowiq huntard , oh the irony

 tell us more about your fantasies, the world of this forum needs to know. We got peeing as one, keep going.

keep going i’m astonished

imagine playing rogue and hunt , trash tier cringelord :joy:

good ol lowiq metaslave

put a little effort into it, you can do it!

my full preparation rotation with backstabs and ambush proces, doing like 3k damage

lowiq bait try harder lil bro

you missed one quote lil bro
probably some braindamage showing

there you go , good boy !

aw missed again be a bit brighter lil pup !