Rogue damage in pvp gone

what is going on, rogue hits 200-300 backstabs and crit for 400-600, ambush is bit more.

read the patch note.

Nerfing shamans, nah

nerf literally anything but shaman :white_check_mark: it’s almost like they want shaman to be broken with infinite mana and HP by extension.

seriously what is this out of touch in PvP from devs. when paladin is good for not even 1 week in P4, it’s nerfed, but shamans ran free for howlong mind you? P2 till P4.

rogue damage is pathetic compared to what it should be


Rogue with 5/5 Lethality and 5/5 Opportunity (+50% dam) actually backstab crit on sham for 280 with a perdition blade. At the same time, enhance 2H Sham actually crit for 3.2k on a WF proc. In bg, I need ~50 backstab crit to take down a tank sham which let be honest will never happen.
Rogue with 0/5 lethality and 0/5 Opportunity (+0% dam) backstab crit on sham for 190 with a perdition blade.

@Blizzard what did you intend to do ?


The Power Surge nerf and Burn rune doesn’t count eh? It’s far too small fries for your taste I guess… You’re more of a delete/destroy kind of guy after all.

The only infinite thing by extension of reading your posts is your delusion, that we can be sure of.

Try play a different class for once and see how “pathetic” the back-stab damage is when you have 0 armor (thanks to one of their new poisons). Also, in case you forgot, most classes have just one 5 minute cooldown pvp trinket, they don’t have training wheels engaged by having a pvp trinket and a 5min cooldown CCbreak/immunity.

Rogues probably sit more in CC against you than you to them, I guess it must get confusing to you, but that is not the norm for any other class than a frost mage probably…

This is the future of SoD forums, Wavé posting on alts his howling-at-the-moon insane ramblings and up-voting himself.
What happened, did Cry abandon you to howl alone that you have to resort to such tactics?

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Noone would miss shamans on alliance if they get dumpered to trash, they are way to op unlinke any other class ingame atm.
Oh and rogue damage is bugged.

Better nerf hunters, peace.

imagine playing shaman and shytposting about another class which basically need 2 min with full backstab crit to take down mail wearer


I’m sure the devs are taking notes on balance from someone like you, just like they do with Wavé. At least Wavé seems to have passed 4th grade, you seem to still have to work on that.

It is most likely a bug, anyone with any common sense would figure out as much. Anyone WITHOUT any common sense would jump the gun and start re-balancing classes based on said bug.

Before this patch my mage and priest was getting crit by 1.5k backstabs like no tomorrow on a 5k hp pool. I’m sure you were fine with that :poop:.

it is a bug, 70% damage reduction is not as intended, even on ptr it wasn’t like this.
1.5k backstab happen when u get caught level 40 by a full pve geared rogue. Otherwise it never happenned. Best i can do is to admit i already crit a sham for 550 backstab with a perd blade late p4. THAT WAS INSANE DAM

Devs are not on forum, they serve for people to cry about stuff.
English is not my primary language and every noob when is out of arguments pull out grammar card.

Shamans are beyond broken and rogue is atm bugged.
U can stop replying noone care about you, have a nice day, peace.
Oh, better nerf hunters and shamans too.

You are doing things way wrong if you have a perdition blade and can’t hit that hard on 0 armor clothies, user error as usual, but you sure have the mouth to spout :poop: on the forums like a :clown_face:.
You also give certain Wavé vibes, as if PvP is all about fighting Shamans, doesn’t matter you turn inside out most other classes, no, Shamans are the big issue. You probably found the one tank Shaman and you lost your mind he wasn’t dead before your energy ran out. I feel for you…

First, English isn’t my first language either, not an excuse in this day and age. Grammar was also not the issue there either. Supposedly your first language has grammar too (ofc it does, I’m just not sure you are aware), you should know the difference if you’ve been to school.

The reason I brought all that up was that you are the typical bottom-of-the-barrel poster in every aspect, uninformed/bad ideas and :poop: message.

So let me get this again, you know your class is bugged but you want other classes nerfed anyway just so you can go back to deleting them… What happens when the bug is fixed?

I’m sorry and apologize for saying you never passed 4th grade, you clearly stopped your education after kindergarten.

dude stop being toxic, i’m not your friend and you only play smartass because you’re behind a screen and on the internet. go touch grass and stay on your pve realm andy acting like shamans didn’t need to get nerf since p2.
Jesus, why tr@sh player pve boy always have to yapp as if they been craving for attention for decades ? No one care about your pathetic and biased personnal opinion didn’t you realise ?
Go play hide and seek and try not to wet the bed bbye


instant yapping in 3, 2, 1 ---------------->

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just ignore troll, playing op class and defend it on on forum is propably his only joy in life. sad…

oh, almost forgot, better nerf shamans. to ground. like in p1


Touched a nerve? Go ahead log on more alts and up-vote yourself while telling others to touch grass.

You got that from where? I’ve never said Shamans didn’t deserve nerfs, just not class destroying nerfs like the morons of this forums were asking. There is a difference.

Project harder, maybe you’ll feel better about yourself. Mr. big pvp man who has perd blade but doesn’t know what damage can be done on 0 armor clothies in pvp lmao.

Don’t hold your breath on that one chief. Dangerous.

Getting desperate?

Alright I get it, you lost it, stay safe my guy, it’s a game don’t do something drastic.