Rogue is so weak while leveling it's ridiculous

I’m at level 61 now with the gear my leveling gave me, and I can’t even solo standard quest bosses. I tried repeatedly, using cooldowns with both subtlety and outlaw spec. I have four other max-level characters with warrior, shaman, druid, and hunter that easily solo these bosses. I have reached rank 1 in PvP 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5, as well as a high mythic rating. I am not some noob. But I still can’t do some quest content with Rogue.

I understand that not everything should be perfectly balanced during leveling, but this is too unbalanced. I am supposed to be the hero, but I feel so weak, and it’s draining the joy out of the class I want to enjoy.

I wonder if this is why there are so few rogues. I mean, they are a stealth assassin. I would imagine everyone would want to play a Rogue.

I hope Blizzard does something about this.

/rant over

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Leveling a rogue feels horrible. With any other class you can tag any mob around and AOE them down. With rogue you must sap, blind, use evasion, kidney, sometimes even vanish if 2-3 mobs get on you and let them reset… the difference is huge. Very frustrating. Finally you end up just doing dungeons and half-afk spam fan of knives out of frustration while the others kill them.

Rogue also feels bad at max level in PVP. It is strong in coordinated premade arena in the right comp, or in rated bgs, but in random bgs and solo shuffle the experience is awful.

No wonder they’re redisigning rogues next in 10.2

I’ve decided to make my rogue my main alt this expac now, and i’ve spent the last week gearing him. I only have conq weps + shoulders, so I’m a touch undergeared, but I don’t agree with this. Solo shuffle I can’t comment as i’ve not attempted it yet, but I definitely feel I can make a difference in BGs. A rogues use is not to top the damage charts like a balance druid or a MM hunter, it’s to disrupt the enemy team.

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