Rogue or mage vs other DDs

Whats your reasoning to not main one of those and always be S tier at any content?
Cause you know your class will be be overshadowed by them on DDs slot any time in m+ raid or pvp.

Do you just like to be underdog and have less control over your progress, being benched by minmaxer key holder or raid leader or healer in arena lfg?
Does it really not matter for you who care so much for covenants being imbalanced?

Cause these two has both great fun specs, utility and reputation…

I think you should play one of these and make Blizzard know you want a better CLASS BALANCE not same old same old meta :slight_smile:

its the weeeeekend baby!

We get an extra hour of these threads this weekend. What a treat.

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And here you are, trolling as always. What a treat.


What I like about non-pure-DPS classes is their ability to off-spec and reduce M+ queue times by being able to heal or tank.

is that why you rolled a DK did you get left out in a previous expansion and think i know ill play a hero class surely cant be that difficult ?


check the keyboard for drolling 100% there is some there ( face plant class )

Because as strong as Rogues are, Rogue slots are usually filled because they’re so popular. There’s still only so many you’d actually want to have, and we’re already in excess. The demand is still slightly there in M+, but if you can’t get a M Raid spot for the gear you won’t be included in those M+ groups anyway :crazy_face:

That’s a little less true for Mage because it’s an rDPS with good mobility & an immunity, but Crucible of Storms, BoD and Uldir all show that Mage are prone to being weaker on the throughput side of things, even if Fire has been pretty dominant in EP/Nya and Frost is absolutely ludicrous on the beta right now (and they better duck because the nerfbat is coming :grin:)

Cause i dont play on a level where it matters, i will most likely also choose covenant based on looks :wink:

in SL Rogues absolutly if u look at toolkit , soulbinds , coven , legenderys the rogues are prity crazy … there is no way Blizzard can balance it all so grantied S tier hole xpac . Sub rogues has the crasyest builds …

rogues has legenderys as 100% cirt on opner whats a ring whats a old legion legendery , then 2nd legendery is 370% damage increase legendery also a old legion legenderys . this is 2 same legenderys what made rogues 1 shoot peoples with DFA back in Legion so 9.2.0 will be intresting if they allowes player wear 2 legenderys at once … will blizzard do same mistake in 9.2.0 as they did in 7.2.0 …

Warlocks are literally Mages but with fun gameplay sooooo

liking your own alt`s post, that was juicy xD

The only thing I would say is : if the class has a healing spec, then don’t play those classes for their dps spec. Hybrid classes were viable up to Wod and legion simply shattered them. Looking at BFA, specs like ret, WW and enh were consistently bad, whereas Moonkin and elem also sucked but were allowed to shine one at least 1 patch. On the other hand, mage, lock, rogue and warrior always have 1 op spec to play.

Also, most of hybrid class offer 1 dps spec, so if it’s bad, you’re being gutted.

Not to mention that most of classes without healing specs are bringing better and more consistent utility spells than healing classes.

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Cause I want to play what I find fun , and Ill make it work like I always do I raid as a WW lol

raid - lol indeed, though i like ww and monk in general…
ignoring damage tier list, even though they don`t favour ww too
shame you dont bring neither shroud nor lust so you are bottom prio for m+
same as other hybrids

remeber in SL rogues has diva shield while in stealth so they dont take damage in stealth at all RIP eyes in arena , rip spectra sight for DHs …

lets rename rogues as WoW gods to not confuse anyone where we are with that balancing guy who has just dps difference between specs in SL raid ~45%

like brah do you even have a PC or you balance on paper and pencil?

P.S. its just 30% on polished 8.3 BfA

alli need on this rogue is do old dungons in outlands get touse juisy 3 gem sloted epics from the dungons i will show u how wild even a level 10 rogue can be :smiley:

Rogue/mage is a holy cow. Actually this an old WoW devs class design - if class don’t have any other role than DPS - 1 of their spec must be in a good spot. There is - we’ve seen the same picture all the time rogue/mage/warlock on the TOP.

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the dark prince went rogue in end of Bfa almoust 1 shooted old god with a single shadowstrike he faild becourse he used a priest dagger what had Int instead of Agi . :smiley:

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Glad they put enha to their rightfull place (as always).

I’m not in a world first guild/competitive pvp team/+30+ pushing m+ team where it matter and I don’t enjoy playing them. Playing what i like matters more to me than killing a boss 10 seconds sooner.