Rogue Tank RIP

I have now tanked with my Rogue in 5 phases. And it’s been a real pain, but I’ve been patiently waiting for an update to come so there will be MORE rogue tanks. But the truth is that the class as a tank is absolutely horrible compared to all the other tank classes. WHY? Blizzard you can solve this as easily as possible. I’ve been reading your forums and people are coming up with good ideas and solutions so more people can play tanks like Rogue.

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I don’t think we are gonna see an update. Doesn’t feel like it. Especially with them changing MG to make sinister strike do 50% more threat. Which is still a million miles off every other tanks threat.

They either need to up the threat mod on just a flesh wound or revert the damage nerf and keep the threat modifier that’s currently in place. Cos tanking on rogue with another tank is feeling like a bit of a meme.

100% threat mod on blunderbuss being ripped by a single druid swipe that got agro on everything was pretty demoralising…

Every instant group I’ve been in which has a rouge tanking sucked. I decided never to go with a rouge tank again.

1 shadowbolt volley and all the mobs come for me

I mean it’s not as bad as that if the tank has… Bis weapons and alpha and at least 2 piece tier 1… But without that yes a rogue tank is virtually pointless being there.

Rogue is 100% feeling way out of scope versus other tanks currently. It genuinely feels like all the other tanks are in retail mode threat generation (presses 1 thing and has a massive lead on everything in range) and rogue feels like a warrior in prot spec and using a sword and board in 2004 with blue and green gear on levels of threat.

Please can the Devs look into this. It doesn’t take a genius to look at the tps output of each tank and see that (Clearly paladin is the favourite as your main man plays it and it’s threat gen in comparison to a rogue is like comparing an ant to a knight) the rogue is currently massively under performing

Unless Blizzard doesn’t change Def mechanics, a rogue shouldn’t have the ability as a full tank. People seem to forget how defence and armor works and why shield tanks like warriors or shamans rely on secondary gear with Agility and resist depending on mobs.

Avoidance and Dodge → everything

Not even Naxx out yet.
Imagine running around with 30-40% Dodge Tank in WoW without CD. :rofl:

A rogue feels squishy for a reason.

Thats what the runes are for. We didnt have warlock or shaman tanks in previous versions, but the runes made it happen. They can clearly make it happen for rogues as well (as they should).

Why not?
Why should a lock or shaman get the full tank experience, but not a rogue?

If a class can only do its job in 1 phase of the entire game version(naxx as you mentioned), then thats extremely bad design. There is nothing in the way of bringing rogues up, and then tweaking the numbers on runes if they become to powerful in later phases (as they also should)

And its not just about the squishyness, its about the threat problems as well.

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At what point at all in this post is squishyness been mentioned you wally. This entire post has nothing to do with taking damage it’s about the fact it’s an mile and a half behind every other tank in threat. Especially snap threat

No, runes are role specific skills and help with flexibility of a class but they still need to work within a current existing system. A tank with insane dodge rate makes no sense.

If you don’t know how defence works, that’s fine but there is a reason why shields and armor only useful vs melee in this game.

Again, without changes to the core concept of defence, a rogue will never be a full tank.
A rogue is very strong with CDs and that’s how it should be. We cannot have a permanent OP tank with no trade of.

You really need to understand how dodge works and why a tank has limits.
Since we cannot expect Blizzard to change the core concept of defence or dodge rating of rogues, we will not see a full tank rogue in this game.

Guys… Read the context this has NOTHING to do with it’s ability to take a hit omg

It’s the issue of threat :person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:

Yes, I think most players don’t understand the advantage and importance behind dodge in WoW and why you cannot find any agility gear for shaman and warrior at max level.

We also can see it in new tank Gear and upgrades for T1 and T2 in SoD, it’s all about block, parry and dodge balance. This clearly doesn’t work for a Rogue with his AGI and base dodge logic.

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Exactly, any avoidance on tanks are CD.
Blizzard will never nerf Rogue dodge mechanic just to allow them playing MT.

It’s just a class that wasn’t designed to be a tank but people cannot accept the technical facts.

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Dudes… no one has made a single comment about dodge. The problem of mitigation isn’t what this is about. A rogue has literally the lowest dtps. Stop banging on about it

You are 100% incorrect in every thing you’ve said in this thread. It’s mind blowing.

A rogue can very easily MT a lot of raids do. I MT. And I do it very well.

A rogue tank is also the least squishy tanks. And you’re literally trolling this entire thread with all this absolute garbage you’re spouting. The issue with rogue tank is NOTHING to do with the damage taken.

The issue with rogue tank is it’s threat is heavily based on requiring tier 1 2 set and having blade dance up to activate it’s defensive capability and it’s 100% threat increase on blunderbuss which is it’s biggest threat generating ability. Snap threat for a rogue in comparison to every other is an absolute joke. It’s AoE threat is also an absolute joke. The only place where a rogue truly shines is quite literally the spot all you imbeciles are saying we are bad at which is ST Main tanking :person_facepalming:. Sustained threat we are great. Damage mitigation we are amazing at.

The problem is we have a 100% threat increase on blunderbuss (yes 100% increase) and a druid swipe will rip clean off it. And a shaman will rip clean off it. And a warrior will clean off it and a paladin will have done so much threat before the mob is even in melee range it’s utterly broken.

Please for the love of the game stop talking about rogue mitigation and “squishyness” you utterly ill informed people

I love playing my rogue, it’s already an immortal solo class.
Don’t even need a group for BRD, just wait for CDs.

But I would lose many of my rogue advantages, as soon Blizzard starts balancing the rogue just because some casual players want another MT class in raids. :roll_eyes:

No thanks.

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My personal opinion is that developers are rellying too much on alpha (in case of horde) and the other pala thread “buff” being present in every situation. I am full T1 warlock tank, went DFC yeasterday, no shaman in party so no alpha, used the AOE build with lake of fire rune and well geared Boomkin was constantly taking mobs from me if he crit and I was focusing different mob with searing pain. I am fully aware that Lock threat is good, so situation would be much worse with majority of other tanks. This would never happen with alpha, even if we had well geared warrior as a tank.

TLDR: current threat system in SOD relies on threat buff / debuff from Shaman / Paladin too much.


I agree with dependency but just because we have an ability such as Alpha, it doesn’t mean that DPS should go nuts and everyone can ignore aggro management. Imho the wrong player mindset in groups.

Keep in mind, that classic+ will not have speed and catchup mechanics because it’s not a season. Just saying, people get way too comfy with simplicity and speed features in SoD.

If one tank makes the dps able to pump, and another tank unables players from pump. I know which tank i would chose to bring