Rogue Tanks can't tank dungeons, this is not okay

Rogue tanks AOE threat generation can’t compete with even DPS doing lower damage than them.

Although their single target Agro is good, even tanking 3/4 enemies is close to impossible, even more so if paired with major AOE damage dealers like hunters or warlocks right now.

I understand the idea of classes being good a specific job and rogues could still be really good Boss tanks in raids with their high avoidance. But so much of end game vanilla content is Dungeons and open world questing in areas like Silithas and right now Rogue Tanks can’t do do the one thing they should be good at.

I’ve seen tweets about not wanting to buff their AOE damage and the devs are okay with how much AOE damage they can do, but damn you can buff threat without buffing damage.

You have classes like Paladins who can hold agro without little effort then make rogue, a class the devs added the tank role to for this seasons like a really cool extra options, and then made them unviable for the entire season. What’s the point in these stealth nerfs to the Tank runes just nerfing threat?

Don’t want to buff single target threat more? Just add some dumb addition like “Fan of knifes does 100% more threat” to the rune.

My friend mained a Tank warrior but they got nerfed out of existence, he moved to Rogue and now has to level as a DPS and is just hoping our raid team will let him tank in Raids on bosses or he will just quit. It feels bad to play, the entire Rogue community is aware of how terrible it is, and simply saying “well it will be better once you get your full set” is a broken mentality.

The class should be able to tank Dungeons and the set gear should enhance it. You shouldn’t have a class reliant on getting a specific set of gear just to do the most basic job it was designed to do.

Do better devs, try actually play testing this yourself for once instead of relying on WoWLogs to tell you want to change. Go in a dungeon right now in levelling / ST gear as a rogue tank and watch as you can’t hold agro on anything and people leave or kick you from the group and then say “We are happy with how it is”. any dev that thinks it is okay should be forced to play a rogue tank should BRD and Spire on loop if they think it is so fun…


Warrior is the best or second best dungeon tank right now. My runs with warrior tanks in the guild are the best I’m having.

Rogue is really bad though, yeah.


DPS wise sure, threat wise we are kings

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I would be interested to know hat builds you are using as Warrior Tank? Is deep prot the only options now?

Don’t want to derail the main point here though, fix rogues blizz…

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Yeah deep prot is the only option, also to not derail the conversation I do think that crimson harvest is probably better than FoK is as long as the mobs can bleed might be worth trying that out before asking for things to be fixed (even though ofc they should be)

Crimson Tempest is vastly better than FoK, but the snap threat is not good enough for Dungeon Tanking, any AOE DPS, especially classes like hunters with explosive shot/trap and Warlock shadow bolt volley rip agro instantly and you can’t recover.

Mix that in with a huge number of enemies in places like BRD/Spire/Scholo that are immune to bleed effects and you get chewed out of groups. So far I’ve seen some people pulling it off slightly with expensive Darkmoon decks etc, but the trinkets are doing 95% of the work.

They failed with Rogue so hard
No AOE, cant tank with tank spec, have 0 utility for raid or group

Welcome to classic, each class have its own streangth and weaknesses, it’s not retail or even wotlk, where every class have good aoe, solo target, and defensive cooldowns, in classic every class is unique and it’s GOOD that some classes can do something that others can’t. It’s classic game design.

As true as that is, SoD comes under constant changes, and not small ones, class defining features can change on a weekly basis.

Almost all of the new class combos in SoD such as Mage Healer and Rogue Tank and been left to rot for the entire season. The PTR had rogue tanks in a good position but they nerfed the threat bonus from their tank rune at the last second.

this is an easy fix, undo the threat nerfs they did, no damage changes, only threat, it makes them viable tanks again and does not effect parsing. Easy problem to solve, dev teams arrogance limits what paying players can do.

At this point I would prefer they just revert to the old vanilla version. At least then we would know what is good and what is not rather than waiting to see each weak what will change like we are all playing League of Legends or some rubbish.

then why is rogue the only bad tank, it’s SoD not vanilla. everything should be good/viable/fun to play

Yes, the state of rogue tanks is really bad. Just the ludicrous idea that you need 2 set pieces of T1 to even have a chance of holding AOE aggro is ridiculous.

I never wanted to tank, but because rogues have absolutely zero utility for the group, hardly anybody is looking for a rogue these days. If someone is looking for DPS, they prefer ranged DPS or a class that gives a big benefit to the raid, like a feral druid. ALL other classes give buffs to the raid in some way. Even hunters.

In my opinion, classes that can fullfill only one role (DPS) should be really really good at it. Like with a BIG gap to the other classes. But as it is now, rogues are among the top DPS but there is actually no reason to choose a rogue as part of your group, because another class will do just as much damage AND give some buffs to the raid.

Now I have to farm two sets if I want to get picked for a group and even argue when I want to roll on items for DPS spec.

It really is not fun. I rerolled a healer and it is just insane how easily I get into groups and raids.

So, as already said, just buff the threat of a rogue tank and everything is on a leven that is acceptable. How about an ability that generates 30 % of the single target aggro as AOE aggro?

Offtopic: I wish rogues could wear a shield. Idk maybe like at 40+ when warr gets plate, shammy gets mail etc.? I know it has nothing to do about aggro, but I just like the concept of a nimble tank wearing latex leather with a buckler and a rapier :smiley:

Use blunderbuss if you don’t have more than 4 mobs. And if you’re using swords use main gauche 20 energy sinister strikes is strong you can switch between mobs after hitting BB.
Sure it’s no where near as easy as any other tank but it’s sure fun. The balance of rogue tanks is way off once you’ve got 2 set and weapons you’re ability to tank outrageous packs goes through the roof. I’ve done entire strat runs in with over 15 minutes left on the undead timer after clearing undead and then living. So definitely become decent.

The trouble is and I’m about to raise a post about this. Is MG is purely a dungeon tanking ability and they are making raid sets buff. It’s incredibly low IQ move on the set bonus development.

The 2 set of T1 should be baseline in the just a flesh wound rune to be honest.

Sorry you’re having a hard time of it man

Main issue I’ve experienced with a rogue tank in the group has been AoE threat 100%.