Rogue Tier Token in Naxx is busted in sod

Ok, I have been raiding in SoD with 4 characters each week. This is no longer RNG, many of my friends play aswell on multiple characters, clearing the content each week.

We all noticed the same thing : Rogue tier just drops massively more than other tiers. It has been so furstrating trying to get druid/pala/shaman or warrior tiers and it just de-motivates every player playing those classes.

Now is it just us or is it the same for everyone? I’m just saying could someone from the Devs look it up? It’s very annoying to see the same tier drops every week.

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you forgot the fact that not only is this one of the most common tokens, but it is also the classes that hardly any see any play compared to the other tokens.

I am part of 3 raiding teams in Naxx, all of which have close to 0 competition on that token compared to the Warrior/Mage/Hunter or Druid/Shaman OR Paladin token.

Dropped 3 warrior helms last night from thaddius.

What about the rest of the bosses also 3x warrior ? X for doubt