Rogue update

Please can you balance the different rogue builds a bit more for DPS than just mutilate and these odd attempts at saber slash. Why are you making saber slash ramp for the attack part of it. Ramp the bleed sure. But just let saber slash hit what it should be.

Please please do something with slaughter from the shadows. My input is move it to the glove rune, (make shiv baseline) and give a chance on critical backstab to proc an out of stealth ambush. You can make a super talent set up for it. It would open the doors for an alternative PvE and probably PvP build and at least for me it would be more interesting than this bloody stupidly over powered (obviously as it’s been meta since you changed it) 40 energy mutilate.

I still do not understand why you did this when you obviously knew hands down out right 100% that changing mutilate to 40 energy would throw literally every other option of DPS for a rogue in the bin.