Rogue/Mage 9.1

Sup! Most of mages, including my friend, are making switch from fire to frost. I want to play as a rouge (dont rly like healing) but sub spec playstyle is kinda not my thing. I like much better Assa and Outlaw. My question is: Is Assa rouge and forst mage will be viable comp or i will got much better resoults as a sub (if yes then why)?

Assa gets MS, go figure.

Also, there has never been a time when rogue/mage wasn’t viable.

With the way mage is treated in current game, rogue mage will never not be viable, it’ll only at worst be considered lower tier / a flex pick depending on season. For those who tuned in for the first few sets of the AWC it was warrior / monk with a fire mage since rogue was virtually playable after week 1 nerfs.

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