Rogues are Fine. As always

And they popped double -40% DMG, 20% Heal, 30% Heal, 100k heal, triple shield. The monk did not have increased HP, increased armor, increased vers from being in bear form, he did not have two -40% DMG CDs on him, didn’t have 3 shields + 50% HP insta heal. I’d understand that DMG if the Druid and Priest didn’t pop every single CD that reduces DMG and heals, but Barrier + PS is like more than 60% DMG reduction. Come on. Let’s not compare a monk with nothing on him getting killed vs a Bear with every single CD the Disc has on him getting killed in a double CC chain.

Well I am surprised he died but still, vers/armor isn’t really a defensive as most go through. Would kind of expect dome+PS to be fine; still just kind of looks like they both zoned out. If they had any distance between each other, they’d also probably be fine. Happens.

The video doesn’t imo even show what’s busted about sub which is its CDR.

Also worth noting if they hadn’t put themselves in that position, they wouldn’t have to use all that. If I trinket before duel and the sub has CDs, I would probably be dead even with the dome.

Still surprising though, I’d be happy if sub got a damage nerf tbh.

Feral needs a good bunch of defensivs though ôô

Or just remove duel, it’s weird that you can turn a 2v2, 3v3, 2v1 into a 1v1 and sometimes oneshot someone. :smiley: Probably just removing duel would be ok, keep the DMG. CDR is a totally different issue that should be looked into, cause it makes SUB a super tank that can reset when he wants and get back all his major CDs. :smiley:

We can only wish.

In past we had high burst, now we have hyper burst… its just funny that entire community is loud how damage is alredy high, than they decide to get in game somehting like sub rogue hyperburst…

Win condition = victim shoud not have trinket, or hard death stop mechanic like bubble, where is brain there? Its all about to pop that hyperburst proper.

Blizzard really need to sit on table and decide if WoW gonna be FPS shooter game, or they want gief people room to playmake in order to win. And tell publicly “we want our game to become FPS” so those who not like it coud leave the game without enduring this circus…

Awwwweeee that’s so sweeeeet :white_heart: :drooling_face:. The most OP spec in the game at the moment is complaining about someone else being good.

You do know that RDruid is the leader spec across all brackets? 2v2 - #1, 3v3 - #1, RSS - #2. Imagine how extremely more powerful RDruid is than anyone in the game. In 3v3 that’s an omegakekwsuperlul, as there’s 2dps:1healer ratio.
Sorry my broccoli friend, but if you’re struggling with ANY spec in the game, well…


Dampening is brain there… but if you have not patience and skill to live 3minute to win and if you want anyone who you attack to die here and now, its your personal issue.

It’s affecting both healers. Druids throughput is higher than any other healer’s, there’s no arguing about that. Everyone else has to cast or do something to win, while broccoli can just fool around with your AI buddies healing even if you’re bad enough to get into CC.

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