This is a rant.
Do NOT expect a civil, tolerable, reasonable, normal, easy-to-digest post.
I don’t see HOW these rogues even came about, WHO is responsible for this, but it’s like the most annoying thing in any game EVER.
Now, I have played MANY games in my time. You could say it’s SO many, it’s unquantifiable, so it’s A LOT. All kinds of games, from all kinds of very old, very new and systems inbetween.
There have been very flawed games, flawed game mechanics in many games, really annoying, frustrating deaths, I have certainly raged a lot about many games.
But nothing, absolutely NOTHING, during the decades of gameplay, comes even CLOSE to being as broken, flawed, irritating, annoying, enraging, infuriating and COMPLETELY UNFAIR to the player as rogues in WoW.
(We just have a BG with FOUR (4) rogues! You can’t even IMAGINE how frustratingly infuriating and annoying it was, and how much FLAMING it caused in the chat! I would’ve been helplessly ganked in the end by one rogue (or 2, 3 or 4), had the BG not ended already - they won 3-0, OF COURSE)
It’s weird, how in ONE hand, they completely dominate you, especially with multiple (but even just one). They arcane lock me, they ‘vision obstructed’ if I try to shoot something, then they switch to ‘cloak’, so I MISS when I finally CAn shoot, then they stun, sap, ALL THE WHILE draining my HP VERY quickly.
I am lucky if I can hit ONE arcane barrage, very lucky if I can add an arcane explosion to that (only IMMEDIATE spells can be cast, because you’re locked out if you try anything longer, and there’s just no time to cast anything anyway before you’re either dead or the rogues vanish).
You can guess how much damage it does to them - NONE.
But in the OTHER hand, you are NOT allowed to say any of this out loud, complain about them, curse them, or tell how much you HATE, ABSOLUTELY HATE them OP bastards.
Anyway, what I can’t understand is, HOW did this pass any kind of gameplay test? Who was the ganked arcane mage, who said “Yes, THIS is what I want from a game, not being able to do anything and being quickly stunganked - perfect, just put that in the game, no need for any nerfs!”
WHO was that playtester?!
What kind of sense does it make that a class THIS OP, ALSO can’t be killed? I mean, they can take SO much damage even when they’re NOT using their COMPLETELY OVERPOWERED TRICKS that prevent them from being shot at all.
They just won’t die, ever. It’s a very rare thing to see a rogue die, and it’s usually a BIG group that chases the OVERLY-FAST rogue all over the place and by happenstance land enough hits to finally kill it before it can vanish and heal.
I don’t friggin’ understand why something like this is allowed. It’s like allowing some players to use cheats, while others can’t. Holy cow is this broken!
They have a counter for EVERYTHING you do.
You can’t damage them even if they let you freecast. They heal like crazy, which should only be a ‘healer’ ability. They run faster than you - in fact, SUPERfast!, they can teleport to your buttocks from VERY far away, they can SAP you from WAY out of the range of any AoE you can muster (arcane explosion is a BAD JOKE - I’ve been sapped in the MIDDLE of doing arcane explosion, just when the explosion was at its widest - and I still couldn’t see the rogue at all, so thanks a lot for THAT).
In addition to ALL that, they can stealth multiple times EVEN if you manage to bring them out of stealth. So they can always escape any fight they wish, they can always RESET the fight, they can always just choose the best possible opportunity. They can do so much damage in their overly-long stunchain, that you have basically NO chance, unless you press some key one microsecond faster than they use their stun again, and even then you bought yourself maybe 0.5 seconds to DO something ‘meaningful’, until they sap/stun/blind/disorient you again, and …
They have ALL the advantages, and no disadvantages. WHATEVER the situation, whether flag carrying, escaping someone, catching/stalking someone, controlling the situation by CC… they win every time. Easily. No skill required.
Two rogues at you is the MOST irritating, the most annoying thing that can happen, because a) it’s UNFAIR, b) it takes your AGENCY away - you can’t DO anything, you’re like infant suddenly, completely ímpotent and helpless, and this is not the feeling you want from a BATTLE GAME, god damnit! c) There is no solution to it, so you get traumatized and start fearing the sap, and when it happens, you get ulcers d) Your class, whatever it may be, has absolutely NO tools against ANYTHING a rogue does. DH has ‘Spectral Sight’, which can help if you HAPPEN to use it at the right time, AND happen to be able to discern the slight red dot somewhere that might move a bit - why can’t it AT LEAST make rogues always completely bright red, like it does to everything else, so you can always fully see the stealthed players? Sometimes the effect is SO subtle, you don’t even see it (especially if a bit colorblind), but your only chance is to keep trying to “target+throw cleave”-combo constantly.
Either every class should be given SOME kind of ‘rogue escape’-button, or rogues should be
The most puzzling thing is Blizz’s motivation. WHY does it not nerf it? Why didn’t it nerf it years ago already? Why did it let a certain guy’s son playing rogue AFFECT the whole thing? Do ALL BG players have to suffer from blizz’s weird decision to celebrate nepotism (or something like it anyway)?
Why didn’t blizz nerf rogues AT LEAST in patch 8.1?
Why the !@%#* is this allowed? There must be 8 billion better ways to implement this kind of class, and I am sure most players here have some kind of good ideas about it.
How about my (probably crappy, but still better than status quo) ideas? :
If you are attacked by more than 1 rogue, you gain partial immunity to everything they do, so you can AT LEAST handle the situation to some extent (the same way you could with two other classes)
Rogue ESCAPE-button that puts you out of Rogue’s range, and blocks you for 30 seconds from it being able to see you in any way or target you (could have big-ish cooldown)
Buff / ability that lets you shoot through cloak / smoke bomb or even if they just vanish in the middle of a bladestorm
STOP them from being able to vanish IN THE MIDDLE OF A @!"*%#" bladestorm!!
Damage should remove their vanishing ability for some time
Remove the ability to RE-vanish - only ONE vanishing per customer, so the DH’s spectral sight could actually be useful. It’s useless, when you get the cooldown, but rogue can just re-stealth immediately.
NERF rogues seriously, so they’re like any other class - maybe annoying sometimes, but can be killed (Paladins, for example, are sometimes incredibly OP due to their bubbles, shields, instant 100% HP, etc. so it’s useless to try to kill them and they can do SO MUCH during that stuff, while you can’t do anything back, and some warriors hit way too hard, priests have a plethora of OP from ‘not being able to be killed’ to ‘superior CC’ to ‘dispersion-type escapes’ to ‘mind control spam’)
By sacrificing 38% of your health, you can teleport rogue to a random location in the BG, that’s always at least ‘very far’ away from you
It’s pretty easy to come up with all kinds of ideas - then these ideas could be implemented, tested, and tweaked, until they work perfectly. They can be modified, molded, added to, removed from…
Look, it can be a FUN PROJECT to try to figure out how to make rogues a ‘normal’ class that can be escaped, etc. This should be done together with figuring out how to make CC fair and satisfying, instead of the HORROR-nightmare it currently is with all those chains and dots.
This game could probably be fixed by a handful of players guiding some devs and programmers for a couple of weeks, to a very paradisic levels. But I guess there’s no money in it.
So we have to suffer from this pain. I just want to say one more thing:
Thank you.