Rogues suck and sap is dumb

Here I am sitting outside Freehold, WM on, trying to summon team mates to do a dungeon. Two rogues camping us, spamming sap on us to keep us from summoning.

Not even engaging in combat. Just sapping us constantly.

Why oh why is Sap’s range infinity?

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It’s just 10 yds, and you can always disable war mode if you are doing pve anyway :wink:


The thing is that if they opened on me and killed me I wouldn’t be posting here. But I spent most of the time Whirlwinding so I could catch them suckers and put them in the ground.

Then what’s the problem if you got them ?

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I didn’t though. I was hoping to catch them. Imagine spamming Whirlwind and a rogue sapping you outside its range.

That’s 10y vs 8y. That being said a sidestep in the right direction gets the Rogue out. Wait for a resap, most rogues tend to be stupid and come closer when the target doesn’t react, use Rage, use Whirlwind, he’s out.

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Then they vanish and start again.

Forgot to mention there were two rogues there. The only time were able to catch them both is when my pala tank used an aoe taunt (or whatever it was) and got them both out at the same time.

Blizz should make it sanctuary around meeting stone and dismount all around flight masters just like magi bronzebeard does or the various npcs like father christmas auto dismounts you when you get near. Stops the stupid big mounts blocking everything including mailboxes and portals which is annoying as you cannot go anywhere. Easy fix Blizzard 5 minute job.

Or players that don’t want pvp can turn off wm.


WPvP combat is fine by me, but Sap spamming people at stone instead of opening on them is the pinnacle of being a p*ssy.

The purpose of Rogue in WPvP is to be annoying, they are just playing their class.


You do know that after 3 saps you’re immune to sap right. For 20s. Diminishing returns.


It’s a battle of who is going to get annoyed first, with those sapping rogues.

If you get annoyed and start to jump with your AoE - they already won, mission accomplished, they have their laughs at your expense.

If you don’t tho, after 3 saps, if all that time you did nothing - they get annoyed and 9 of 10 times they go for Blind, and if even after that you don’t “act annoyed” - their annoyance gets through the roof, they could also underestimate you for AFK/gave up, so after sap goes off DR they will sap and open up on you - there you go, you made them lose their cool, instead of the opposite, you got one of their CC CDs, and you have your chance at actually fighting them.

Plus, they left only with an option of CoS+Vanish as a run/reset. And since most of the time they don’t come back until CoS+Vanish are off CD again - it’s a win for you, and fail for them.

And even if they come back with Saps again:

They are going to be a lot more prone to those ^ mistakes.

Also, use strafe more, when AoE around, to make your movements less predictable with a direction in which you character is facing.

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But that’d be the smart thing to do. Players don’t pick that.

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Posts like these is why the game is in such a poor state.

I cringe when i read this :slight_smile: Even the comments

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