Rogues with improved MS

Dk is strong Ur just awful

Abilities that have a special, strong interaction with something else have to be considered as such.

Once again you are terrible at math, it’s alarming but since you didn’t try to understand alone last post I guess I have to make you.

Say you Sharpen a guy and hit him for 100k over 6s, and then 20k for the next 3s because your big damage is over, then you mitigated 50k with Sharpen effect. Meanwhile with Shiv you mitigated 48k which is less. Yes, the mathematically impossible thing is actually possible, who would have thought, damage distribution isn’t constant waaaaaaoh big news !

Examples of such a damage distribution ? Mmh lets see. Warrior has an Execute proc up, and thus goes for Warbreaker, Sharpened MS, Execute spends his remaining Overpower and happens to be out of most abilities after 6s. Ret, playing with a Warrior pops every CD, Divine Toll, Final Reckoning, Verdict, Wake, Verdict and then just deal 3 health bars in 6s but therefore needs a couple seconds to get his Holy Power back, doing little damage for a few globals. Windwalker, popping every CD and using his spin proc with images into RSK, which is much shorter than 6s and is his highest damage spike.

It happens very often, in the comps played by Arms, that insane damage spikes occur right on Sharpen Blade and the 50% healing reduction makes it horrible to deal with.

The infamous inside feeling of someone with 0 3s rating who doesn’t understand that healing reduction effects are also here for your team’s bust damage ?

What a great inside feeling my dear.

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Ahh the good old “imaginated situation” arguments. From experience i know they never end so im gonna just say that from the very beggining i completely understand what is your point you dont have to explain me some imaginated situations. You’re talking about important damage vs overall damage, and while sharpen has a niche of being better in doing important damage the sheer number difference between these 2 abilities is a bit too big for it to be true. Shiv just wins on pure numbers/maths/whatever, thats it.

In a perfect world they’d never let specs share the same tools because its just a bad and lazy design, but in our ugly reality they’d make shiv last 8 seconds, that would still put it in a better position number-wise but it’d be offset with sharpen being a little bit better inside those important-damage windows.
But what are we even discussing about, some 1 second in one way or another lmao

OK. Given this definition, then, there is hardly one mechanic that is truly unique to a class then. What point did you try to make, in that case, when talking about sharpen or MS and saying that Warrior alone has no unique ability ?

I just mathematically showed you it doesn’t not always.

Trouble understand numbers or … ?

It all comes down to damage distribution which I can understand you don’t get as, again, you’ve got literally zero rating in 3s, bracket in which you’d understand why what I’m saying is a thing and makes Shiv far from always winning given the current comps Arms and Assa have.

We are talking about arena, not about a constant and stable stream of damage you’d put on a dummy alongside a constant and stable stream of healing and then you’d look at the results. In thr game damage comes in spikes, it comes with CDs, and much more.

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Stop providing him with evidence just let him be happy in his delusion.

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