Role play addons in wow classic

I am new to this role playing thing and i am wondering if there are any specific role playing addons that help with character building. Some kind of guild note type system maybe that others can read my backstory was what i was thinking about.

What are you role playing pros are using?
Random people dont know what my character is all about given the limitations of gear or other meana to express myself. I dont want to spell out my character over and over again every time i meet somone new

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Greetings RunShiftrun, Iā€™d say to you that the best way of letting the community to know you is not to use roleplaying addons. Instead while questing make small remarks about yourself and add to the quest narrative that youā€™re currently in or something related to your class/race/proffession. Have fun improvise, its not like there is a list in real life about peoples background stories non that I know of anyways.

In fear of repeating yourself Iā€™m just wondering are you planning to have all of the server being your companion maybe you donā€™t reveal all character information about to just everyone, this brings a further element into integrity and identity which is core princibles for good character

Edit: May I add this is alot more fun and your character will be more compatibale with other roleplayers since most of the character is forming within the game itself therfore your and others will have an organic character progression out of whatever you imagine.

Thanks for your answer. Ingame i go by Doomhoof (not in the forum characters list yet)
I see, sounds fun, i will see how things go. As soon as i am high enough to get an eyepatch for myself it should be clear what i am going for but i think lvl 52 is the earliest oneā€¦
Just be prepared and think about me when a tauren druid with an eyepatch stomps you little one :wink:

Total RP 3: Classic

What does it do?

It has a lot of features including filling your profile so other people with this addon can read it.

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But donā€™t overdo it with TotalRP, bare necessities. Nobody cares about details of every single scar your character may have, your backstory should also be left to actual role play. Full Name, maybe some more descriptive profession (warbrave instead of warrior for tauren for example), but not much more in my opinion.

Total Roleplay (TRP short) is the best addon ever. And you can fill in as much or little as you want, I like to read full name and first glances, but maybe not a background so long it takes 10 minutes to read.

I only use TRP3 mainly because if you make events and such you can actually ā€œrpā€ npc chat, very useful if you know what you are doing.

The rest is mainly just something I dont look at, I prefer heavy rp and know things IC.

You can also scan map to see if there is rp players aroundā€¦ Tho the layering shet sometimes divide our already small comunity and random rp are harder than before.

TRP3 is a great addon, I think youā€™ll need the Classic version though.

As others said just donā€™t go overboard. Keep it concise but get the main points across.

And for the love of god make the ā€˜First glancesā€™ actual glances and not entire paragraphs! D: