Role-playing warlocks tips

Hi all, I’ve been role-playing warlocks for multiple decades on wow, I’m rather obsessed with the lore and today I thought I’d share some of the lessons I’ve learned in that time.

What makes me think my advice is worth your time?
Honestly I will leave that for you to judge, my reason for making this thread is because I regularly get compliments on my characters and asked advice on starting warlock RP, it seems many of you find it hard to get into initially and daunting. Also im fed up of repeating myself so maybe im saving my sanity too (whats left of it anyway :upside_down_face:)

I won’t be covering how to RP your newly found warlock character, that is on you. These are just suggestions that I find are huge to bringing your characters to life and making them rememberable in a good way.

1: Demons! demons! demons!
One of the most iconic abilities in the warlocks arsenal is the power to summon demons, intelligent beings from another realm.

The moment you choose to role-play a warlock you actually choose to play multiple characters (unless you are not using them at all). This is arguably the most fun aspect of playing a warlock in role play and I highly suggest you lean into it.

Give your regular demon minions a personality, give them querks and an agenda beyond just being a minion. Maybe your succubus is a curios tease who loves a little banter? Maybe your imp is a craven coward? Give them a life of there own!

My first warlock I worked it out by just ‘feeling’ it out but to anyone else starting now, I’d advise make the effort at the start.

Make a role-play profile for all the demons you expect to use and think of them like a whole character by themselves. you will find your demons feeling more real this way, players who remember your demons name only ever do so because you made them rememberable.

2: tailor your warlock to the type of RP you intend to do. And trust me this one matters from the beginning.

We’ve all seen it, Mr fel boy in full green flaming armor carrying a sadistic staff and skull helm trying to role-play in city and wondering why everyone is so hostile.

This idea is fine if you intend to do cult role-play out of city, but if you look and act like a cultist that won’t work everywhere else. A city dwelling warlock is going to be deceptive, they could give off creepy vibes if you want but they are also not showing what they really are.

Unless your role-playing group hates warlocks IC, chances are you will find acceptance when not in public places based on your characters merits over there class IC. Smart city dwelling warlocks build bonds and allies.

There is absolutely nothing bad about role-playing a warlock in most places, you are not limited to cultist outsiders but how a warlock presents themselves matters. Save the fel armor for out of town or for warlocks you intend to be bad guys.

3: A warlocks power can change drastically from one time to another. More so than any other caster class in lore.

While many other magic users develop power by mastery and skill alone (mostly). The warlock often works with stolen power that isn’t really their own, a great example of this was in novels gul’dan intentionally expells much of his fel power to hide from detection from pursuers in the hopes of claiming it back later.

Play into this, maybe you can close that gateway in your role-play event but you need a power source to fule it like your other most powerful spells. It’s totally possible to build a warlock who focuses on this aspect alone and be compelling.

Add-ons suggestions
Other than the normal role-playing addons people use I have one specifically for warlock rp

Petemote - this is without doubt my number 1 addon for warlock RP. The ability to write emotes for pets with a simple /pe saves so much time and effort I’d call it a must unless you don’t intend to use minions at all. You probably want to turn off the random emotes however

Feel free to add to the thread your own experience or questions :grinning:


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