Role playing while learning english

Hi everyone.

I want to practice more english and also I like to role play in WoW. But since I’m “a little bit” shy and my english is not the best I thought it would be a good idea to have a look for a group or guild to join. I’m not even sure about which server to choose.

So if anyone would like me to join or has an idea where to go, I would be glad to read about that. :slight_smile:


The Moonglade ea realm is smaller, but very closenitted and friendly. RP is mostly guild-based. On Alliance side there are some real nice guilds active (on Horde side also, ofcourse). There are regular open events, some A/H side, but a lot are neutral, so both factions are welcome.
We are hoping and waiting for a merge with Dark Moon Faire/Earthen Ring, which seem to be as friendly as ours, soon.


Hath answered it pretty well, so the only thing I’ll add, is that your English seems fine :nerd_face: :+1:

I’ll admit I like to have my phone available when I play WoW, and (not being a native English speaker), if there are words I am unsure about, I check them relatively quickly with a dictionary app on my phone.


Thank you Hathorion and Gawrdon. Moonglade is a nice server name which makes the chioce quite easy right? So I’ll have a look at the server community on both sides. Thank you for your advice.

That might be because it is “written english” (as I call it). Writing a language is different from speaking a language. And in Role Play you end up mixing both of them together which is quite difficult. In english WoW even more than in german WoW, since in the english version there are much more accents and dialects used and that’s what I struggle with.

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Team “Dictionary In The Background” represent…! :fist:

I used to suffer pretty badly from the language-related anxiety and I can confirm that RPing helped immensely with getting over that fear. Hell, thanks to my guild even speaking English is not a problem anymore (and it used to be a huge issue that frequently caused me lots of stress at work!) so using RP as language practice is something I strongly recommend. A friendly, accepting and trustworthy guild can do wonders in that department. :relaxed:

Personally I play on a small RP realm cluster (Moonglade/Steamwheedle Cartel/The Sha’tar, sometimes also known as Sha’glade Cartel because we are nerds). It has far less traffic than the biggest RP realm, but I consider it a good thing—the chat moves much slower, which in turns gives me enough time to read, understand, and write my responses.

Anyway, I am going to echo what Hath said earlier for she gave a good description of the state of affairs on SGC. I’m just going to add that the Horde leans towards story-driven RP while the Alliance side feels definitely more social-RP oriented.

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I wouldn’t fret too much about the dialects and accents, I consider it 100 % possible that a troll, dwarf, or whatever, has taken the time to polish their Common/Orcish (WoW’s “English”) to the extent that they pronounce the words correctly most of the time.

If you want, you can write in a RP addon that the character speaks with a slight Troll/Dwarven/whatever accent. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

Would also like to add, since i have alts in the
Tower of Krasha
guild on Sha’glade Cartel’s Alliance side, that there are some
(or at least one)
event creator on the blue side who creates very story-driven events;
There’s been a red thread in their events ever since the Azerothian birth of the guild, about a year ago. :ok_hand:

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