Roleplay event video: Lunar Festival 2025 🎆

Hi! Adding this to the role-playing section as well, to encourage both new and returning people that roleplay is still very much thriving on WoW. On Argent Dawn, we host numerous roleplay events throughout the year, which are advertised on the forums, community Discords, and the Argent Archives web portal.

This one took over two months of planning, countless hours of preparation and coordination, and at a quick estimate 300-400 roleplayers showed up across two action-packed days…

Step into the heart of Moonglade for an unforgettable celebration!

Kudos to everyone who made this community event possible: [N-RP] Lunar Festival 2025 🏮 (Extra video!) - #108 by Acrona-argent-dawn

A huge thank you to Jai’are for roaming, recording, and providing me with a ton of footage to put together this highlights video! With a couple additional shots captured by Meiling and myself.

In-character news items about the event:
A Lunar Evening, Part 1 - A Tinker, Ale & Cog Informational Pamphlet
A Lunar Evening, Part 2 - A Tinker, Ale & Cog Informational Pamphlet


It was a delightful event! Great work put into it!

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Since Jai’are sent me so much footage of the event, it would’ve been a shame not to use it - here’s another video featuring more people and the bustle around Nighthaven! :film_projector::fireworks: