Roleplay Guide: Earthen

Greetings, members of the Argent Dawn community! With The War Within release date confirmed, it’s time to prep for the Earthen to join the world of roleplay! I will highlight the lore of not just the Earthen to Khaz Algar, but of the people in general, as they are fairly varied, and thus provide ample roleplay opportunity! Spoilers ahead!

General History:

The Earthen are a race of stone being belonging to the classification known as “Titan-forged,” created by the Keepers on the behest of the Titans. The Earthen came into being after the Old Gods were sealed away, and the world was in need of reshaping and ordering. The first iteration was flawed, resulting in the stone troggs, but the design was improved upon to form the Earthen. They dwelled in the deep places of the Earth, digging out the chasms and tunnels that weave their way through Azeroth’s crust, and maintaining the Titan facilities around the planet alongside other Titan-forged.

The Earthen primarily served from Ulduar, but gradually were sent out to inhabit other regions on Azeroth such as Khaz Algar and Uldaman, with a group even making their way to Deepholm via a portal in Uldum. However, after the betrayal of Keeper Loken, the Ulduar Earthen were forced out of the facility by the Iron Army under Loken’s command, many falling under the command of Bouldercrag the Rockshaper while in hiding as they awaited for the chance to reclaim their home. Many Earthen would succumb to the Curse of Flesh created by Yogg-Saron, becoming the first dwarves.

A contingent of Earthen were sent to investigate an anomaly at a great fissure along the south-western area of known Azeroth. The Titan Keepers that were with them noticed that these Earthen began to develop similarities in terms of culture to the Dwarves completely independently, despite the great distance between the two groups, even naming the region that they resided “Khaz Algar.”

General Information:

The Earthen are forged from stone and created by the Forge of Wills originally, with their first king Urel Stoneheart used the legendary mace Val’anyr to create and give life to more of his kin. The Earthen of Khaz Algar used the Awakening Machine to create more of their group of Earthen, but the device has long been non-functional until recent days. Due to their stone forms, Earthen are extremely strong and durable, able to lift tons of weight with ease and shrug off most damage that would kill a being of flesh, but are not invincible. But still, they are powerful and not to be provoked lightly. They also do not require sustenance, but can drink beverages for their warmth and can “eat” gems to absorb their power.

Culture and Groups::

The Earthen are generally very loyal to the Titans, being their creators. Many serve the functions they were assigned long ago, maintaining Titan holdings and their machines. Earthen do not “die” outside of full bodily destruction, but shut down instead. They must recharge at devices such as the Awakening Machine, but when they do so, they lost their memories. Therefore, their memories are stored in gems located on their bodies, which are taken to an Archive for preservation while recharging. Long periods of not recharging will cause memories to be overwritten, with many Earthen forgetting when Dornagol was built after the Awakening Machine was disabled, something realized after the Archive became inaccessible long ago. Moving a memory gem to a new host body sadly does not revive the individual. When an Earthen is reawakened, they recall their names and functions, but little else.

Uldaman Earthen:

The Earthen of Uldaman still serve the Titans, but are generally hostile to all who trespass in their halls. They have fought the troggs for, and the repeated intrusions of mortals seeking treasure have earned their ire. Serving the Keepers Archaedus and Ironaya, they will protect their home at all costs.

Ulduar Earthen:

After Yogg-Saron was slain, the Ulduar Earthen returned to their home, and even reintegrated the Iron Army back into the Titan’s service. However, not all Earthen are forgiving: some joined a group of earth giants lead by Kurun, who wage war on the Iron Dwarves of Thor Modan after using runes to enslave their kind. From WotLk to even today, these Earthen and stone giants still bombard Thor Modan to prevent the city being rebuilt.

Khaz Algar Earthen:

The Khaz Algar Earthen have the most detailed culture. They create cinderbrew, an incendiary beverage created from fire bees as a recreational practice. They are divided into three groups: the Oathsworn, the Unbound, and the Machine-Speakers. Summaries below:

Oathsworn: These are the Earthen most loyal to the Titans when we meet them, stationed in the fortress city of Dornogal. Lead by the Council of Dornogal, they maintain the Coreway: a shaft that goes straight to Azeroth’s core itself, yet it has been damaged and the Earthen cannot traverse the full distance down. A notable group of Oathsworn are the Stormriders, earthen that ride stormrooks summoned from the Skywall itself. Lead by Council member Baelgrim the Stormward, they are sworn to protect the Isle of Dorn, but have retreated to only Dornogal in recent days. Councilward Merrix serves as the main leader of Dornogal, dealing with everyday matters in the city.

Unbound: These Earthen forsook their allegiance to the Titans after they left Azeroth, leaving Dornogal to live on the Isle of Dorn as farmers and craftsmen, seeking more to life than servitude to absent masters. They have no leader, but Council member Adelgonn the Stoneward speaks for them after their people reunited.

Machine-Speakers: These Earthen reside deep in the Ringing Deeps, tending to the subterranean Titan technology beneath the Isle of Dorn, including the Awakening Machine, as well as some individuals who reside in Dornogal to maintain the machinery there. Many never see the sun, so a story keeper learns stories from the Earthen who travel in between the surface and the Ringing Deeps to retell to the Machine-Speakers to keep morale high. Speaker Brinthe is a notable member of the Machine-Speakers, but she has returned to the Ringing Deeps after High Speaker Eirich seems to show little care for the dwindling number of their kin to kobold attacks, and rumours of “skardyn.”

Freysworn: A group of Earthen who seem to revere Titan Keeper Freya, and the only known source of Earthen Druids, even if only for Restoration and nature tending, rather than shapeshifting into stone animals. A sect of the Unbound, these Earthen are more in tune with the world around them, ensuring balance is maintained.



Warrior: Earthen, by their nature, are physically imposing. Incredibly strong and extremely durable, many Earthen serve as warriors, guards of their cities and outposts. They ensure their kin are as safe as they can be, even if hope seems to fade every day. Recommended groups: Oathsworn, Unbound, Machine-Speakers.

Hunter: Many Unbound became shephards and trackers, and reunifying with the Oathsworn as allowed them to prosper. They tame beasts and provide mounts and cover fire for their kin, an asset greatly needed when battling airborne nerubians. Recommended groups: Oathsworn, Unbound, Machine-Speakers.

Mage: The Earthen have a natural link to the Titans, and thus to magic. The Machine-Speakers can weave flame and frost to help in their crafting, and some mages can be found in the Oathsworn ranks to combat any threats that come their way. Recommended groups: Oathsworn, Machine-Speakers.

Rogue: Earthen can be surprisingly stealthy, their dwindling numbers calling for a need of subtlety if they wish to survive. These Earthen can serve as scouts for others in their group, and to take out enemies before they can strike. Recommended groups: Oathsworn, Machine-Speakers.

Paladin: While many Paladins use the Light, the power used by Earthen Paladins is that of Order, the very magic that created them. These earthen would be among the most loyal to the Titans and their ways, being the embodiment of their power. Recommended groups: Oathsworn.

Monk: Earthen can be very quick when they need to be, and an Earthen Monk would have the physical power of an avalanche mixed with the grace of the wind, yet are also serene and will hear out their kin’s woes. They can call upon their inner power to heal their allies, or to pummel their foes to dust. The creator of cinderbrew and owner of the meadery, Wenbrandt, fights in the style of a Brewmaster monk. Recommended groups: Oathsworn, Unbound.

Priest: A priest is often defined by their faith, and an Earthen Priest would be devoted to their kin and their makers, calling upon Order magic to ensure their kin may stand tall and proud to serve the Titans. Yet the Void’s appearance may drive others down a darker path. Recommended groups: Oathsworn, Machine-Speakers.

Shaman: A shaman’s natural link to the elements is shown most prominently through the Stormriders, Stormward Baelgrim being a shaman himself. They ride the great stormrooks and call down great bolts of lightning to destroy their foes of both sky and land. Recommended groups: Oathsworn.

Warlock: The warlock is a path newly introduced to the Earthen, likely by adventurers who came to their aid. It could be that an Earthen warlock sees their actions as “ordering” a demon by binding it to serve their will, and thus the will of the Titans. One can only hope the do not fall to the Fel they now command. Recommended groups: Oathsworn.

And that is my guide to the Earthen! A note I wish to make is that you can make a Frostborn with the customizations if you wish to get exotic! I hope you call enjoyed the read, and lets get ready to rock and roll!


Speaking of following the Titans’ directives, I wonder if the Earthen, be it the Oathsworn or the Unbound, would ever make contact with the mogu. Because if yes, this is another way for their mages or warlocks to come into being, not to mention the Machine-Speakers’ possible interest in the Mogu’shan, the Vale of Eternal Blossoms or the Thunder Hold machinery and what was being done to it.

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Them meeting the Rajani would be very interesting!


That’d demand the Rajani to be remembered in the first place, along with the actual results of the 8.3 war in the Vale. We have never got an update of which parts of Pandaria belong to the Rajani and whether they even mantained the peace after the Void was cleared out.

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