Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

I remembered something, which was an idea I had for the longest time and it would be something most RPers would apreciate I feel.

Personal tabards.
We have the system already in to make guild tabards, why not allow personal tabards, and include all the new extra fancy styles we have now.
The amount of guilds I’ve been in that have had ugly as sin guild logos.


That’d be neat cause people don’t usually use them unless its for IC representation or recruitment efforts.
You can make some pretty good looking designs with it otherwise.


Wholly agree! Shadowlands has at least had more in the cosmetics department, but yea, more everyday things. Backpacks, pouches, capes with hoods, hoods that don’t squish your face. Just more toned down, normal fantasy items. Imagine how cool to have a sheath on your belt, or potions. Also, give us more shirts, more bandages , more normal pants, as i said, everyday items.

BIG AGREE. It would be a lot more nice if the allied races actually were different races. I mean mechagnomes and gnomes are the same apart from the mechanical aspect. And if they were the same race, we could have mecha-prosthetics like a mech leg or arm. Or augmentions for blind and deaf headcanons. Also, please give us the leper gnome skin. it would be cool.
I read a post a while ago on reddit that said that we should be able to choose where our character is from. So say a human, they could be from stormwind, Lordaeron, Kul Tiras or Theramore, and their customizations could reflect that. And like elf; could be high elf, blood elf, void elf, etc, maybe even a wretched option.

This is definetely needed. i’ve created multiple guilds only for tabards. We have the tools, why not blizz?


A few background options like that would be fun. Easy way to get some more lore into the game but anything regarding who your char actually is from a roleplay perspective doesn’t really exist during character creation.
You’re just kind of a blank slate.

That reminds me of a post someone else made saying that the reason why there’s only a male and female option for chars is because their identity doesn’t really matter… I can sorta see what they meant by that as its entirely optional and up to you.


We don’t have options like that but I agree. It does matter to a fair lot of people because the attachment is to their character which does represent them whilst playing.
Allowing more options and flexibility to make sure it feels like ‘you’ means so much.


I recently made reference to an old thread that has remained in my mind ever since I last played, although I don’t think it answers everything you say above, it was a great option for character customisation if Blizzard would take it on. Great for all players to be honest, but I think for RP it would be awesome as well, so forgive me for posting it here as well :slight_smile:


excellent, i agree with this post!

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I think this could be a nice addition. Just so they change the quest text where it’s relevant.

DEFINETLY would be cool. Just more character identity would be nice.


Fair point about quest text changes to address the player more accurately.

Also a huge happy shoutout to a certain GM on the US side of blizzard support who’s been super kind in a reply to me today and agreed to forward the rp suggestions to the devs if possible so that they may get looked at.
Absolutely made my day and im grateful for the help. So cheers to you :wink:


Awesome stuff, hopefully that’ll mean something good in the long run ^^

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Hoping that the suggestions here if they find their way into the game could be part of smaller updates here and there.
With 9.2’s date announced I doubt people would want to wait several months before more quality of life changes and such actually get patched in.

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Nice to see that some people are kind enough to help and put a good word in.

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Actually here’s a fun question.

If you had access to pretty much all the races ingame (model swapping), what would you want to play as/try to roleplay as?

Personal favourite, probably arakkoa because they got a bunch of lore you could dig into and use for your characters.


Left of field answer: I’d be a Broker artefact hunter and peddler of exotic wares. Just don’t ask how I got them.

Since Tazavesh I’ve really grown to love them and their little corner of the world as dimension travelling grifters and wheeler dealers. I’d love to give it some life myself, even if it’s a character “always on the outside”. But I’ve always loved trying to play the character who is a bit of transient but exists to provide an opportunity hook for others.

But the chances of this happening are so slim due to how they are sadly. I could even suggest a raft of customisations for them but unfortunately they’re just a very hard sell for most players given they don’t really fit into the “faction” system at all.


Wowie… Your like a more buff looking me :eyes: But as for that… I already got what I wanted in BfA With Vulpera. But besides them, Maybe Saberon?


…High elf.

Yeah. I really am that easy to please. Give me all the outlandish options in the game, and I’ll pick a high elf every time. :flushed:


You already have High elf as Blood elves! You can already make one! And come next patch you can on the Alliance too!

When will the Elfness be satesfied? How many elf races will we end up with in the end?!

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Hell yeah I already have them! Damn, I’m so glad to be me. :sunglasses:


I’m glad to be me too. But what will Blizzard come up with next time I wonder…
People had enough furry/beast races for a while. Elves are done to death. Not gonna lie xD I have high expectations.

Hahaha, it’s a good look though. Really like your mog as well.
Also saberon are kinda neat, pretty sure we saw some slip through the portal into azeroth if i recall right.

Another big favourite is sethrak for me cause nothing beats a shady venom peddling snekk.