Roleplayers, night owls, heed my call!

The night time has been removed from Azeroth or so it looks like. I wanted to confirm it just isn’t my client but the night time appears to be the same as the Cataclysm client? Is this just my client? The lighting has made it in to a pseudo night time that’s VERY bright.

Don’t just click on the post then move on and hope it’ll change, post something here so we can get something going. Then if it appears to be the case I’ll make a big ranty post on the main forum.

Unless I’m mistaken we’re stuck with something resembling the right picture rather than the left which is the authentic night time of the client.

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It’s been known for quite some time that the nights have been made brighter somewhere during WoW progression (can’t say what expansion). While I don’t believe they were too much darker during Vanilla, I can surely say there was a mod working on private servers which made the nights actually look dark, it’s called Darker Nights and its purpose is to make nighttime look as dark as originally intended and as it was prior to the launch of Vanilla, back in 2004 (I’m thinking it was the alpha version of the game). Plenty of videos of it on Youtube, like

i think the same,the night should be darker…

it would bring so much more immersion to the game…

pls blizz darker nights for us !!!

ps:that video is amazing!

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