Roleplaying a first gen DK

Hey guys, l really wanna try to roleplay as a first gen death knight, but I don’t know how to go about it. Technically they are orcs, but they have human bodies. It seems plausible that some first gen death knights might’ve survived and stayed with the horde but it just so happens that you can’t pick horde as a human. How the hell would I go about explaining a first gen death knight joining the alliance? I mean maybe if he keeps his identity a secret but I don’t think that would be a lot of fun.

I could also just pick forsaken but I really dislike their hunch. If they didn’t have that hunch I would be all for it.

Then there is the issue of what class to pick. Technically the original death knights were warlocks and they wielded magic batons or scepters as weapons, shooting green or purple magicness out of them. I suppose they might have had necromantic powers as well. They wore robes too, but also armor. I’m thinking of just picking death knight as a class but there is a fair argument to be made for warlock.

Any ideas anyone?

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The horde the death knights were part of dissipated. The current horde was reformed by thrall by freeing the orcs from the internament camps, which then start getting allies along his travels. I also believe the death knights that remained after doomhammer’s defeat went back through the dark portal.

If I’m not mistaken the first gen is Orc souls in Human bodies made by Gul’dan. Have we any information on some of them being still around? I would make a Human DK or lock and either have claimed alliegance to the Ebon blade or be Scourge. Don’t know what benefits you would get by RPing a first gen though?


Teron’gor “Teron” Gorefiend complicates the whole mater. As per Beyond the Dark Portal Gorefiend himself fell in battle against Turalyon, but his spirit rose from his broken death knight corpse and escaped into the skies
After this defeat, the remaining death knights traveled to Shadowmoon Valley. The death knights, showing their allegiance, knelt before Gorefiend or whatever was left of him after his physical demise; in response, Gorefiend beheaded them (they rose once more, as the Ghostriders of Karabor). His spirit, however, became trapped and eagerly seeks a willing host to free him…
In The Burning Crusade, there is a nice little line that ends Gorefiend mounts his undead steed and rides off towards the Black Temple, shouting that he has returned.
The reasons for Gorefiend joining Illidan — if he did so at all — were unclear, but he must have been at least tolerated by Illidan to have been allowed to remain in his fortress. He seemed to command the forces of the Shadowmoon clan from Gorefiend’s Vigil. He was ultimately defeated. He said the “wheel of death” had spun many times for him, and when struck down he remarked that the wheel was spinning again…
No other/new information about him around, but I guess if there is a time when he will shine again, then it will be the Shadowlands… but just my two copper in the matter.
As for the others…? I guess - during the dark portal story - following Doomhammer’s defeat Gorefiend and his death knights led the Horde to the Dark Portal, convinced that reaching the safety of their home world was their only hope of survival. However the Alliance forces hounded their every step.
As the Alliance overtook the Horde before the Dark Portal, Gorefiend and his death knights called upon the fury and terror of their necromantic arts. While this did not defeat the Alliance, it did enough damage that the Horde was able to slip through the portal and return to Draenor.

It IS possible - with a little mental gymnastics - one or two decided to stay (for some reason or by Gorefiends order to keep an eye on Azeroth) and kept a low profile, became a hermit, or something like that…

Good question… I don’t think there is any “benefit” to be an Orc ex-shaman abandoned by the elements-turned to fel to become a Warlock then stuffed in a human corpse…
Would be an ultra special snowflake… with a very short life/undead lifespan


I would advise strongly against it.
As stated above, it has a special snowflake feeling.

But, if you must try it, I suggest picking a Forsaken Death Knight. for the in game representation.
But they should be neutral, because the Horde would probably not accept them and very much villainous. So be ready to accept character death on that one.

I would only trust those types of death knights. If you know every single thing about death knight’s lore and actually pull it off. But it still creates a special snowflake feeling and aura around the character. And how could one even live to this point of the stories time line?

You’d only trust -which- types of death knights? (And why those types?)

The first “generation”? The Forsaken?

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Yes, that, I was confused too.

Was not very specific with what I meant, my bad.

What I meant was that the only people I would trust, to roleplay the first generation of Death Knights. If they know every single fact about Death Knights. And knows what he is doing in roleplay as one and pull it off. But even with placing that forward, it’s still not best choice to go as one. Since your character has to be very old, know a lot of what happened over many years. (Which already places you as special snowflake, since you know nearly everything what happened since first war.) And even then, you have to figure out how your character even survived through all these conditions. Since everyone hates the first generation and is pretty much killed on sight type of life.


Hold on… is everyone playing a long-lived race a snowflake then? :thinking:


Well yes in a way, but it’s slightly different when you look at it. Since most first-generation death knights were either elite soldiers or high officers. Since why would they raise someone who is a slacker? As they were in good age while races like Kaldorei or Sin’dorei, have to live hundreds or thousands of years before they even become an adult. And they don’t really necessary ever had to leave their city or region, as they got information from news from others. It all can be pointed to the mindset. Most races who live longer can be “Don’t fully have to learn everything right away since you have long years ahead. You can always catch up man.”

Least that’s how I see it, but I could be wrong. :sweat_smile:

Highly debatable.
I personally disagree with that viewpoint.

There are some sources that seem to suggest blood elves, at least, become both culturally and physically mature at the same rate as humans.


I enjoy reading all your replies.
I agree that there is a snowflake aspect to it, but to me the idea of roleplaying a first gen DK just seems so novel and interesting, their lore and background is very interesting and kind of forgotten. I personally really like their theme, they’re not like any other class including later gen death knights.
I think it’s probably gonna be too hard to pull off, though I would really like to come up with a story for such a character. I’m not experienced enough as a roleplayer to do something like this.
I’m not the kind of guy who would just play a farmhand or whatever, as I’ve seen many people do lately. That’s kinda meta-snowflake level.

The First Gen DKs weren’t officers or elite soldiers.

They were Gul’dan’s warlocks and necrolytes, implanted into the bodies of dead Stormwind knights.

Also what you said about Elven age is also wrong and I got 3 citations to prove it.

  1. Edge of Night Page 3
  2. World of Warcraft official comic [questionable source granted]
  3. Illidan Novel Chapter 6: “He had the ageless look of a mature night elf, which meant he could be any age from twenty years to fifteen thousand.”

Well fair point you bring. But by elites or officers is what I meant by who they would bring back. I mean would want to bring someone who was dangerous on the field. Or someone who was just a throw away? Same for the orcs and humans. But ofcourse death knights were much more than two of these races.

As for the age of elves, I did say, I could be wrong on that department. As for sources you mentioned, the only one I could question is comic. Since by now some of them had older lore. And since they recently retconed a lot of their recent materials. I can only imagen how useless comics can be at this stage, when taking it as a solid source.

But in the end my point is pretty to rping as first gen dk is not the best idea. I don’t claim to be master on lore. There are things which I either don’t remember or remember wrong. But when I know a lot of parts of it. Going as death knight from first war era is just a disaster of a choice to play as.

Almost certain that a first Gen DK would be a kill on sight.

If I remeber correctly the warcraft 3 manual stated that the death knights followed Ner’zhul through his portal and were turned into his first lichs.
But as other have mentioned Gorefiend appears in shadowmoon valley.

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