Roll the bones

It confuses me? So many questions.

Do you keep rolling until you get specific buffs?
Do you spend 5 combo points on it or. Just 1 or 2?

At the moment I find myself constantly rerolling, for attack speed buff, as I think it was one of the better ones.

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What I generally do is I use adrenaline rush off cooldown, and I roll till I get either the buff that improves your restless blades passive, or till I get the double combo points buff, or till I get the double sin strike buff, or any combination of those three, it may not be what everyone does but that works for me, as it allows me at 120 with the Vision of Perfection essense to have almost full uptime of adrenaline rush, I will generally have maybe a 10 second cooldown after I get out of adrenaline rush till I can use it again. granted this is if you reduce by the amount that restless blades takes off the cooldown. so in reality its all from 30 to 40 seconds.

Of course dont only listen to me, but this is how I roll (get it?) at 120. :slight_smile:

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