The Stormwind Council takes place each Tuesday in the Stormwind Keep at 21:00 (server time). It aims to bring the Roleplayers and their RP guilds together by also proposing a Roleplay scenario of politic interests and cross guild cooperation.
The Council is meant to be a body of government in service to the Kingdom of Stormwind, alongside the House of Nobles. It is composed by Ministers, Councillors and Deputies working together to lead the sessions and organize the City. Unlike the House of Nobles, both nobles and commoners may sit on the Council, and anyone meeting the requirements may apply for a seat.
Each Tuesday the guilds and the Ministers composing the Council gathen in the Stormwind keep in an open meeting in which everyone can attend. They discuss about their matters at hand proposing RP events for the future weeks and hearing the problems and the necessities of anyone from the crowd willing to speak, eventually working toward their solution.
The structure and the tasks of the members of the Council can be summarized as follows:
- The Councillors represents the core of the Council. They speak on the behalf of the guild they are part of and they have the chance to vote on the matters proposed in the Council.
- The Ministers are persons entitled to propose and operate changes in the structure of the City. They elect judges for the trials, change the laws when required, they represent the Council when interacting with forein Realms, they take care of the healthcare structure of the City, organize open feasts and take care of the regulamentations for the use of Magic.
There are six different ministerial positions: Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Justice, Minister of Magic, Minister of Defence and Minister of Trade. - The Deputies are elected by the Ministers with the aim to help them in their tasks.
Currently the Stormwind Council is looking for other Guilds seeking to bring their interest forward and single individuals willing to join their organization and help them in the task of managing the city. If you are interested or you simply wish to assist you are welcome to attend the sessions of the Council.
For further questions, or in case you wish to keep in touch, here are some of our contacts:
See you around!