[RP-A/H] "The Nocturne" 🌌 - The Inn Between Worlds! - "The Key To Reality." (Hiatus)

Make sure to find our staff members at the bar counters for raffle tickets, yesh!

:key: You can receive the key via the following options:

Unbound Brotherhood (Legerdemain Lounge) Dalaran
Jeraiel via mail or in person (Dalaran / Stormwind, sometimes as a Nocturne-staff-NPC on Horde)

From almost any innkeeper!

The Nocturne is no competition to inns, it actually forwards the performers to other inns in order to generate art!

  • The Nocturne offers free illusion magics to transmogrify your clothing according to the night’s theme as well as provides coin to less fortunate members of the Alliance or the Horde. We also intend to give some of the revenue to charity, but the largest amount will go to performers / artists!

Insert the key into any regular door to access the Nocturne during opening night!

I would like to thank Jeraiel and the whole Nocturne for the wonderful event. Words can’t describe their dedication, so I won’t even try.

A hundreds cheers, and a few more.


I wish to thank Jeraiel again for allowing Arian to perform my own poem, ‘‘Starlight’’ and an edited version of Jeremy Soule’s classic of: ‘‘Fear Not This Night’’ to the audience and guests of TN. Also I’m even more humbled that I was given the second place and that I heard I got so much praise for my performance.

If anyone ever have in need of an elven enthusiatic, red-maned worgen, then Arian will be around for anyone who wish to hire him for a performance, poetry or sculpture!


Coffee and Breathing Room

How do you measure joy? What is the worth of a shared dream? Which is the right amount to pay for satisfaction? So many questions in her head, too many for one young woman to answer. Some day she would find answers to them but in this moment … they still seemed far away.

It was quiet now inside The Nocturne, now, that even the VIP patrons had left after having slept in their rooms.

Jeraiel, still in her pyjamas, was sweeping the entrance hall of the Nocturne during the next morning. Her thoughts drifted from one memory to another, were thrown into chaos by an abundance of unfinished conversations and caused great disarray in her troubled mind.

She bumped into someone standing behind her, spun around and looked up at the tall, tough woman that was Remidia who offered her a smile warmer than any hearthfire could ever burn. “Are we drifting off into our own little dream worlds again, Jera?” The draenei woman asked, caressing Jeraiel’s hair and sorting out the bed head of the Nocturne’s owner.

Jeraiel yawned, longing for a cup of coffee, as she leaned onto the broom. “Oh, you know, I don’t believe that my dreams are as colorful as our actual life, but they give me time to prepare for the real deal!” She nodded to herself. “I’ll finish this in a bit, want a cup, too, Remmy?”

“I do not mind. Did you enjoy last night?” The tall Remidia responded, walking back toward the kitchen counter.

A pair of glasses rested on top of the kitchen counter, a black cat meowed and darted out of the kitchen into the dining room. Jeraiel frowned and eyed Remidia, but she simply shook her head and shrugged.

Jeraiel snuck into the kitchen, carefully avoiding to step onto the sleeping human girl named Bridget, who was also called ‘Clips’, and Glelda, the Gnome woman who worked as a bouncer and telemancer for the inn.

They were still deep inside of their very own dream worlds, leaning against the back of the kitchen counter, snoring from time to time. “No… we do not have… strawberry chocolate… shakes…” Bridget muttered in her sleep. Glelda agreed with a noise which could only be described as humpf.

After a little while, Jera returned to the kitchen counter, sat down next to Remidia on one of the bar stools and presented her with a steaming cup of coffee.

“You looked quite exhausted last night, Jera, are you sure you don’t want to sleep in any longer?” Remidia asked, worried.

“I’ve rested enough, I’ve got too much to take care of. Promised Earl van Rook and Lady Rowley that I’d take their breath away during the next opening, and I forgot to properly advertise Mardock Blackhammer and his business as well as Miss Khari, the wonderful fashionista, so I will definitely have to keep track of that… it was my mistake and it was not supposed to happen, so …” Jera drifted off, sighing softly as she sipped on her still hot coffee, blowing cool air onto it.

“I am sure things will work out, Miss Khari certainly told Mister Blackhammer that it was just a mistake due to letters not being perfectly clear and all that, Jera.”

“I know, I know… I’ll still do my best to make it up to them. They are wonderful and important, sponsors of our inn and all that.” She sulked for a while.

Jeraiel eyed two aprons neatly folded on one of the bar stools. “I hope Faelean and Cair got home safely. We really need to meet up for a get together outside the inn some time.”

“We will, don’t you worry, Jera. Now, take a breather and enjoy your morning. It was another wonderful success, I am sure of it. Later on, I will have the 40 gold coins - revenue of last night, including parts of the patron contributions - delivered to the Suramar animal shelter for endangered wild life.” Remidia nodded, smiling at the little boss woman by her side.

“Thanks, Remmy, and I’ll start drafting plans for the next opening night, then. Need to speak to Miss Rakihu Gorelash for that matter and her business proposal, uh-huh.” She finished her coffee and got up, stretching.

“You never ever rest for long, do you, Jera?” Remidia’s smile became as soft as a mother’s smile for her child.

“I don’t like running out of time, but I like running, uh-huh!” With these words, she was about to leave the inn, only to be stopped by a tail wrapping itself around her waist.

“We can’t do business in pyjamas, can we now, Jera?” Remidia mused.

“Watch me. No. Wait, probably a bad idea. Uh-huh, you are right. Time to find my socks.” Jeraiel responded, nodding as she dashed toward the changing rooms upstairs.

“And actual pants, a shirt, and a belt, Jera. Pants, shirt, belt. Don’t forget! No pyjamas outside the inn!” Those were the last words of Remidia.

Not her last, but, they were rather important and probably, actually, quite good last words, Jera thought, narrating herself as she ascended the stairs.

The Nocturne’s Creed

We find words that hit others like lightning strikes,
We promise to make people smile, no matter the price,
We live dreams that few can even dare to imagine,
We take a lot so that we can make even more happen,
We share everything, we are one of a kind,
And we live quicker, quicker into the night.

We keep playing when the midnight bell rings,
We stand on a stage that turns fiend into kin,
We tell stories written by moments of our lives,
And hope to be remembered when dawn arrives.

Remember us, for we will return
Here and there - The Nocturne.


With this ends the second opening night of the The Nocturne.

We have counted a total of 163 GUESTS. :star_struck:

Another ~30 IC/OOC hours of work for one single opening night done! I would like to personally thank:

  • Bridget for designing the lovely flyer & map! :blue_heart: :heavy_heart_exclamation:
  • Remidia for keeping track of people and helping with too much stuff to count! :purple_heart: :purple_heart:
  • Cair for the menu as well as working with Briarcrest on the raffle! :white_heart:
  • Glelda and Faelean for giving a lot of input as well as working as allrounders! :green_heart:

Additional thanks to:

  • Our lovely co-host Remethion Lastaril and his help Naryu, as well as the <“Nightborne”> umbrella-guild-community!

  • The Special Guest Performance by Intra and the actors of “Farmer’s Tragedy” for hosting their play on our inn’s stage!

  • Kori Raine & Shioh Bluepaw for providing special drinks!

  • Our VIP Virtuoso Seo’larin for the opening performance!

  • The lovely Kiss and her dance performance, the wonderful Arian for his musical poetry and our newest Nocturne :milky_way: VIP Virtuoso, Barovar the amusing bard! :star:

Time to plan the next opening night!

– Jeraiel


Another magical evening in the Inn Between Worlds :sparkles: :dizzy:

Thank you to all who attended the Midnight Masquerade! Who knows what’s next…~ :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


The Nocturne is considering hiring 1 or 2 Horde staff members, feel free to apply!

Alliance: Jeraiel / Jeraiell
Horde: Jeraielfox
Discord: fizzynoir#1233

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/AEKqw2kuNK

:milky_way: We plan to open again in April! :milky_way:

So disappointed I missed this, hoping to attend your events in the future!


The Nocturne - Underwater World - 1st of May, 19:30

Flyer designed by the fantastic Bridget Cross

Click link for flyer and information!




Do I need to say more?

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I am currently looking for:

  • one or two Horde barkeepers / bartenders / barmaids

To join the Nocturne staff (with our without guild tag)!

:milky_way: Did I mention this coming opening will be absolutely wooshy? Oh, you are in for a treat, my dear patrons. <3

The Nocturne - Underwater World - 1st of May, 19:30 - 20:00 slow start
OOC-area: Tiragarde Sound (see flyer and the two map locations)
IC-location: Rooftop Patio of the Nocturne till 21:00, afterwards basement dance floor


Cruise Ship —
:milky_way: Opening Performance at 20:10
Sea ‘n’ Summer Swagger Fashion Show at 20:15 - 21:00 by Fashionista Khari (open entry, solo or duo)

  • qualify for a chance to win 2x2 Nocturne VIP memberships for this night (assigned randomly)
  • background music provided by Seo’larin Shadowharp

The transition that will take your breath away!

Low Gravity Basement —
:milky_way: Magical Nocturne Performance at 21:15+

  • followed by two Nocturne VIP Performances (Seo’larin & Barovar)
  • followed by an open stage without prior sign-ups with a chance to become the next Nocturne VIP Virtuoso


  • Tattoo Parlor - get a small 30-minute tattoo by the magical ink artist Cair Soulthread in the Up is Down Lounge
  • Anchor Race after 22:15 - run, punt, roll and drink at the speed of a sea slug! Requires 2 team members! (max. 4 teams = 8 participants in total)

Updated Flyer!


Need teleportation? Sharding issues? Join our raids!
Alliance Raid Leaders - Jeraiel / Bridget / Kharì
Horde Raid Leaders - Mardock / Ifrite

[Screenshots of the latest Nocturne night may follow soon.]

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

The Key To Reality

This is the point … of no return,
The door is closed and keys no longer turn,
We’ve come this far … can’t let it go,
Looking back: weren’t we the greatest show?

To be freed from these boundaries
Bound solely by our own fantasies
Your names and voices will stay here

Until the moon kissed the sun
Until the midnight bell had rung
We were the tune that played all night
We were the staff that made you shine

This is the morn’ … that had to come
Though some would sing, the music was long gone
No turning back, no need to stay
It matters not, but there’s one last thing to convey

Right here, where all were equals
We invited all of you to our sequels
Your moments of brilliance are here to stay

Until the moon kissed the sun
Until the midnight bell had rung
We brought smiles that lasted all night
We made your heartbeats come alive

This is the dawn … that came unforeseen
Believing this night would never end at the Inn Between
Now, as we close the door and must return
We hope the memories will remain of The Nocturne
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jeraiel smiled softly as she spun the golden key around the fingers of her right hand. Her silvery gleaming eyes glanced up into the night sky. Ah, it was a good night to take a stroll. A leisurely one, a wondrous wandering, a journey to somewhere and nowhere.

She eyed the key in her hand before tugging it away in her long darkblue mantle. A key. Huh. What a curious object, really. To open and to close. It was a choice at all times.

The young woman’s mind drifted off. Soon enough she remembered a Gnomish woman with purple hair talking endlessly of teleportation guidelines and why spotlights for the stage were quite expensive. Pfff… gold issues. Not her cup of tea. She’d miss the woman, though. Glelda. Gleldancer. Glelmancer. Jeraiel smirked.

Slowly, casually, she strolled past Stormwind’s soft lantern lights. She caught her own reflection in a window, her silvery eyes focusing on her jawline, drifting down her neck. A black inkwork fox. A reminder of who she was. Who she was meant to be. Ink. The sole heir of Goldfox Co. - one of the Stormwind region’s most prominent fox fur businesses - sighed softly, but then she grinned a stupid grin, her old self shining through. Huh. Ink. She knew an ink artist. Cair. And where there was Cair, there was Faelean. She missed the two. Though hugging was only allowed with Fael, she still adored the two together. “Ink and blood, huh?” She muttered.

She scratched the black linkework fox and continued on. A snap of her left middle finger and thumb and two seconds later her lantern appeared by her side, Gloom, the Moody One. He’d been by her side since she was what? Four? He should really have gotten bearings together by now. In the distance, she spotted a tavern. An sizeable innkeeper, stout like a barrel, stood in the doorway. A Kul Tiran, it seemed. She sighed. Poor Manny, she really wished she could’ve spent more time with him. But it was time to go and so she left.

Her left hand rested on the pommel of her rapier. A black cat darted across the cobblestones in front of her. It was chased by a little girl wearing a simple pair of glasses. Huh. Curious. Jera hoped the young girl would catch the cat and give her a sensationalist cuddling attack. The rapier-wielding spellblade thought for a moment, then snorted. She wondered what the cat would’ve looked like wearing Marian’s glasses. In Jera’s head, her name would always be Briarcrest the Spectacle-uar, truly a fitting name for a magical-cocktail-witch. Some day, she would tell her that Mageweave Marian would also be a hilarious title for her. Some day.

As she continued on, she stumbled over a leaflet hanging on one nail on a run-down noticeboard. “Unbelievable news: Gnome wearing Pirate Hat spotted selling fake news articles to innocent Human Bar Maid.” Jera paused, squinted, frowned, scratched her ravenblack hair, then the back of her nose, then rubbed her eyes, and then shrugged. “Nuh-uh, can’t be them.” She hoped they were well, she had come to truly adore the two. Boone, the laid-back Gnome lady who referred to Jeraiel as “Boss” at all times. It made Jera feel important and fancy. She thought that if she ever became a shady business, she would totally make Boone her right hand woman. But even more than that, she remembered Bridget Cross, a young human woman of similar age as Jeraiel. She’d picked Bridget, who was called Clips by Jeraiel, because, you know… Forget it, it’s an insider and only people on the inside may know. Why was Jeraiel even arguing with herself in her head? Mhmpf. So, whatever. Bridget, Clips, was super-duper a-door-bell, and important. Without her, this whole thing would’ve been impossible to shoulder. Jera hoped that Clips knew that. She smiled, then, and walked toward the gryphon master.

There, by a windowsill, stood a tall draenei woman looking out into the night. She looked tough, robust, and hearty. Jeraiel spoke first. “Pardon me, are you Remidia the Heart(h)smith, ma’am?”

“That depends who’s asking.” The nostrils of the muscular draenei flared widely, a grin on her aged face.

“Oh, sure, Remmy, uhh…” The two chuckled and hugs were exchanged. “I wish I could’ve introduced Taetae to you, but things got a bit… complicated. I wish we were back at the Winter’s Ball on Goldfox estate, mhm, mhm …”

The hearthsmith began ruffling through Jeraiel’s hair. “Shush, Jeraiel. No talk of the past, hmm? I know you’ll be back.”

For a moment, the heir of Goldfox Co. sighed deeply. “It’s non-stop adventuring from hereon out. I will miss all of you dearly but that which awaits is not meant to be your fight. I wished I could’ve told her that she outshined each and every Naaru with ease. She was my guiding light, uh-huh. But you’re pretty swell too, Remmy. Best of Greeters and best of Room Heaters.” Jera was bonked on the head for that and grinned in amusement.

“Alright, alright now. Calm down, Jeraiel. Enough joking. You take care of yourself. And when you find your mother, give her time to speak.” The draenei who had become something of an adopted aunt to Jeraiel caressed the human woman’s cheek gently. “Take care and know that Azeroth is wide enough for you and her.”

“I know. I know … I will miss you and the others. I can’t wait to see you again. It’s only a matter of time. Until then, I’ll see you when I see you, dear Remmy.” She gave her a hug that seemed to not want to end.

This night, a grown woman was holding on tightly to the shirt of a tall draenei woman. It was hard for the little human to reach, but she did not want to be alone. Old friends disappeared, and shed were many tears, but she never wanted to be alone.

This night, between the sobbing and the sniffing, neither one let go for what must have felt like hours. One of the two carried the fire and passion of a hearth in winter, and the other carried cold memories both unforgetable and unfathomable.

This night, a door closed and a new one opened. A song played its last tune, but the melody would remain inside the crystalline hearth glowing gently inside a magical inn between worlds.


Safe travels Jeraiel :sparkles: and may we all meet again at the Nocturne one day! :milky_way:

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