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Magic and myth, sword- or wordsmith
Nightowl on the hunt, rich folk or runt
All carry the key to leave behind reality
When the night ends and they’d return
The memories remain of The Nocturne
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▬ The Nocturne ▬
An inn full of magnificient magics and delightful delusions.
Prestigious persons and prideful patrons await to be entertained.
Valiant virtuosos may present their tantalizing talents on stage.
Every night is unique as the inn travels across this wondrous world.
Anyone may enter The Nocturne, though at times it may be not be simple to pinpoint its location. It is always possible to access it via magical doors if one has received a key to such a door. The Nocturne caters to the rich and the poor, makes no difference between Alliance and Horde and cares only for your talents and for those who wish to become patrons to those with talent. The Nocturne is no establishment in need of coin for it is owned by a wealthy young woman or man - it is at times difficult to ascertain - who desires to witness the wonders of this world; and you, as a guest, are one of them.
The Nocturne - Comic!
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How does one receive such a key?
The answer is fairly simple, The Nocturne is no competitor to innkeepers, The Nocturne actually pays innkeepers for letting curious and/or talented people know that it exists. You’ll receive a key or your hearthstone can be attuned to respond when one of the magical doors are opened again.
- Why is it not competition to other inns? Because it only opens for one night at a time and though patrons (not any guest) may stay and sleep till dawn, they cannot stay longer than the break of day. When The Nocturne closes its door, it is out of reach for anyone but the staff members.
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Since I do not wish to completely do this alone, I am looking for experienced roleplayers who wish to be on the work-side of the entertainment industry.
Important: this is not a guild project though a guild does exist! You can be part of The Nocturne and still remain guildless or in your own guild!
Type Additional Info Cook / Catering Cooperation with themed freelancers possible Barkeeper / Bartender Any gender Bar maids / Waiters Any gender Allrounders “Filling in wherever needed” Bouncer / Steward / Telemancer Focus lies on greeting and general help with questions rather than removing people
COOPERATION with other guilds / inns / taverns
Please message me ingame or find me on discord!
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- What is the theme?
The Nocturne is a magical inn that transcends space as it is not bound by a strictly physical location.
Reference ideas are: the Harry Potter universe, 1920s to 1930s Jazz pubs, The Eolian, Howl’s Moving Castle and similar ideas.
Its theme depends on the location that would relate to its current physical location, e.g. “theme is pirates” so the location could be “Booty Bay” or “theme is snow” so the location could be “Winterspring”.
- Is there a Dresscode?
Yes, though it primarily concerns the staff members. Since the opening hours are always themed, you are welcome to dress according to the theme and may receive discounts and other specials!
We offer a “transmogrification dressing room”
and may be able to provide emergency dresses and suits for guests if needed! No peeking!
- You spoke about
Yes, The Nocturne is not a generic tavern. We aim to cater to patrons (regular guests) by allowing for special services and requests that will be revealed as time passes.
We intend to invite musicians, poets, dancers, artists, comedians / cabaretists and many versatile and talented people (magicians welcome!) onto our stage. This event will not take all evening, instead, it will be a select few for every event night - preferably fitting the theme - and these performers will be judged by patrons and hosts alike.
- Judged? Does that mean a Virtuoso can
win something?
Yes! Not only will this boost your reputation but you will also have a chance to find a patron (“sponsor”; second meaning of the word ‘patron’: someone who willingly pays for the well-being of someone else).
This means that less wealthy virtuosos will be able to stay for free at The Nocturne and, for example, will have their new instruments or travels paid for by the patron. In return, they will have to tell people of their patron (reputation for the patron). It is a simple and kind give and take relationship and will increase the amount of people knowing each other!
Example: “I am Jeraiel, violinist, and I play in the name of Lord Nocturne of House Nightlife.”
Virtuosos and Patrons may receive special titles, special services and offers, including but not limited to: Sleeping at The Nocturne till the end of the night with a free teleportation to any safe and known location (“Hangover service!”), VIP seating (and reserving seats), being formally announced as a guest of honor, etc.
FAQ - will be updated if need arises
Is it hosted on neutral grounds all the time?
This depends on the availability of staff members!
If there are only Alliance members present, then we may only open for Alliance players to reduce the need for elixirs for all guests.
If we have a mixed attendence of staff members, we will open the night for both Horde and Alliance. We were originally connected to: [A-RP] The Melorian Circle 📖 but are now available for both Horde and Alliance without any crossfaction guild issues!
DISCLAIMER: If you come to cause trouble, you will be dealt with swiftly. This is a magical inn and I highly recommend not angering our mages.
Patrons, Money and Charity
Patrons - are remembered by name and title and may receive VIP benefits.
Money - the inn is supported financially by Goldfox Co. and its primary goal is not to generate wealth but to generate art and connections.
Charity - money is also spent to support charities and to help out less fortunate guests financially.
Income - the people who work at the inn will receive a proper salary as well as tips for doing well.
Telemancy and Teleportation
It is unwise to attempt to access the inn without an attuned key or hearthstone for this may result in never arriving.
See our telemancers and stewards for additional information.
RP-Addons and Cross-Faction Elixir
RP ADDONS that will certainly be useful this night (found on
Listener: chat-addon that helps manage large crowds and can focus your chat on individual characters to read only what they wrote.
CrossRP: uses cross-faction roleplayer’s TRP3 profiles, if they have the same addon installed. It is vital to form a cross-faction raid.
Musician: allows your character to play music that can be heard by the other players nearby, provided that they have installed the add-on as well.
>>> Elixir of Tongues: allows for cross-faction communication, found in Dalaran’s Underbelly:
You wish to COLLABORATE with The Nocturne?
I’d love to host and work together with you!
You would like to JOIN The Nocturne as a staff member?
Message me ingame or on discord - you do not need to join the guild!
- You want to become a VIRTUOSO and perform during the night?
Feel free to message me on discord, ingame or respond here!
- You have any QUESTIONS left?
Ask them and I’ll respond as soon as possible!
Alliance: Jeraiel / Jeraiell
Horde: Jeraielfox
Discord: fizzynoir#1233
Discord Link:
• • • The Nocturne - a night full of magic • • •