RP animations?

Is there any addon or command to make the character perform animations aside from the animated emotes? Like the battle stance animation when “attack target” is enabled.

Most things should be able to be accessed by / commands, but most people do combat stance by setting to auto attack an out of range enemy.

Don’t think there’s an addon for it, because I don’t see it being needed, to be honest.

From that one time when I partook in a large RP battle event, I remember some of my awesome fellow roleplayers had one or more deplyable targetable …things. Not sure if it was a toy or a consumable, or maybe a profession item, but it was definitely useful.

Otherwise, as my esteemed fellow Illidari mentioned, if there is a targetable mob/critter nearby, I am happy to use that.

If you get battle stance of casting animation on command, just imagine how strong it will be for fake casting.

I’d love to know which item that is.

Thank y’all for the input.

The ‘Turnip Punching Bag’ in your Toybox is good for this. “Turnip to your left” in chat makes the whole group jump into action :slight_smile:. Possibly other toys are suitable too.

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