[RP Campaign/Neutral] - Into the Dark [01/05 to 15/05]

In the ominous depths, the enemy slithers and weaves their malevolent schemes beneath the unsuspecting surface of Azeroth. Nerubians, ancient and sinister, work alongside the minions of the Void whom begin to rise from the darkness, their nefarious intentions casting a chilling shadow over the lands. Combined they emerge with a sinister and cruel purpose, leaving a trail of death in their wake, mercilessly obliterating any who dare oppose their enigmatic objectives. Their sinister purpose seems intertwined with the very essence of Azeroth herself: a mysterious voice resonating across the world, pleading with mortals for aid.

Now the Nerubians, cunning and relentless, have set their sights on those who hear this haunting voice, snatching them from the surface to drag them into the abyss below. Despite valiant efforts to thwart their advances, the elusive nature of their attacks has rendered many defences futile - until now.

Grove Keeper Rethion Moonshred, fueled by desperation and resolve, calls upon his stalwart companion Owl, Nila, to rally allies far and wide in a desperate plea for aid against this encroaching darkness. Together they issue a call, asking for all those that can aid.

Will you join them?


OOC Information:

This event will begin on the 1st May (01/05) at 20.00 server time, with the initial gathering in Silithus at Valor’s Rest. It will run until the 15th May (15/05).

A majority of this campaign will take place in Deepholm for OOC purposes. Please ensure that you are able to travel there prior to the event.

The events will be Neutral aligned, offering both alliance and the horde to come together and work as one. Something that I am aware is still very difficult for many.

There will be a roll system in place for these RP focused events that will be held but one many may not be familiar with but -very- simple. please do contact me or the others names below if you wish to know more.

Ingame contacts for more information about “Into the Dark”: [Rethion], [Mordenàth], [Pharossi], [Hossarian].

Will Also do my best to answer questions here.


Seems really neat! Looking forward to it.

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Can’t wait to delve into Deepholm! Such a cool looking zone, I never get good reason to go there anymore.

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Looking forward to attending.


I wonder if you can eat Nerubian. :thinking: Would they taste better char-grilled, boiled, fried, barbequed?

I’ll pack some seasoning, just in case.


This sounds like a neat pre expansion campaign. To get people’s stories lined up with The War Within’s narrative.


Looking really forward to this! Been a while since we faced Nerubians! <3


I will deffo try to join this once I come back!

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This sounds like fun! Sign the Iron Wolf Clan up! :wolf:


Everyone ought to be warned however! We will have night elves, humans, orcs and all the other races with us in this… And Rethion will not abide any faction conflict. You don’t need to like the other faction of course… But people will be told to keep their eye on the real enemy. If not, they’ll be removed from this campaign. All of it ICly, of course!


Grimtusks are joining to be the best. :sunglasses:


Stormwind Investigations would be happy to attend. :smiley:

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Steamfist Co have signed up~


Oh! I might join on Stallnorth or my void elf, either one. This sounds good.

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Interesting :smiley:

Where there are enemies of Azeroth, the Dust Scavengers answer !
Can’t explore and scavenge if everything is screwed up !

Count us answering the call with Vulpera mirth !


This looks like a very promising - and interesting - campaign. As someone who has been to Rethion’s previous RP campaign, I heavily recommend this!


Sounds very interesting! Hope it goes well for everyone involved!

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I ought to warn everyone, while I am getting even more help lately with more DMs to have this go fluently, the campaign will still be “First come, first serve”. If there are no more room, there isn’t much we can do about it. We are however doing our best to keep track on how many are joining us thus far!


The Ashen would like to join as well. :sunglasses:

Our estimated numbers would be (3-5)

So if you have room for that we’d be happy to join along. :slight_smile: