RP guild for DH

Hello Argent Dawn!

I wanted to RP Illidari for some time now. But every time I try it I have a bad experience in guild I manage to join. Mostly because I am told ooc I am RPing wrong since all DHs are meant to be Evil or should be emotionless killing machines, Which I do not believe is correct.

So I wanted to ask, are there any non-evil guilds out there who accept Illidari? Faction does not really matter to me since I have concept ready on both.

Thank you in advance for any advice.

The Dirge of Teldrassil accepts DHs providing you are sufficiently angry and vengeful about Teldrassil

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I can recommend a sister guild of ours that would happily accept a DH with some nuance! [PCU] Horde Elf RP - Highblood Myrmidons 💫


Highbloods have GREAT plan for Illidari characters… just saying,…

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Thanks for the tips! I might look for this horde guild and give horde a go in RP for once.

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Send me a /w in game and we’ll set it up :slight_smile:

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You might also be interested in a demon hunter-specific guild, The Veiled Glaive. As far as I have heard, they are a great bunch of people! It’s an illidari guild focusing on the demon hunter theme.


You are right about this. People seem to confuse the nature of DHs with that of DKs.

As for guilds, I can only echo Karinar and Marus, both are great guilds for what you seem to be looking for.


You’ve seen the Illidari. You’ve heard the NPC quotes. And before that, you’ve the trainees on Karabor.

But; I wouldn’t advocate for some Stormwind DH either. Stick to the Illidari trope as much as you can; You’ll do fine; That’s pretty much the only chance to work it as a Belf.

Or if you’re a Night Elf, you can -TRY- go for an Altruis sort of deal. Restraint is key. Ask yourself not if you could, but if you should.

There is no one accepted answer to it; I find.

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