RP-HC thoughts on resurrections and flavor

And I’m not talking about “not being able to bring dead back to life” I’m talking about “Blizzard left unusable abilities in-game because it was probably too much hassle to completely remove them from the HC version”

And for the time when I’m not in panic mode as my pally is in life threatening situation (which I’m trying to avoid for the most of the time), I’m thinking about those aspects of the game that make no sense to me. Especially since I just did the quest for the redemption spell recently.

It’s not like I can’t play the game because of such trivial thing, it’s just that I though they could do better, and I feel bit disappointed because of the decreasing quality standard of Blizzard games.

Quote for truth. Is so stupid, we have to avoid learning unusable spells every time we train.

Well for me most immersion breaking were realm lags due to buggy layers when people fell from flying mounts during zone transition or general lag across all zones. HC realms very overloaded, Bluzzard knew this, but their analysis must had concluded that more realms are not needed because population would shrink anyway.

Well they were self fulfilling thouse analysis, because lagging realms indeed killed HC hype more than SoD did. What is the point in playing HC if realm crash on regular basis, not on extraordinary occasion?

Yes we all signed terms upon entering HC realm and no, I did not lose my character, just stopped playing when lags because extreme and hundred of other players characters died in lag waves. Must Blizzard ressurect these characters who died due to problem with realms? Yes the do. Had they done it? No as far as I know.

These technical difficultys were indeed not nice and i´m not defending blizzard for, once again, performing poorly in this department.
But the HC hype is not dead, it just has severly simmered down. I leveld a toon on nek´rosh recently (Horde) and it was more than alive. Alliance is probably the same on Stitches.

It also seems like all the good people have gone over to sod and cata since there are virtually no blacklist cases anymore or only on very rare occasions. The bad eggs have left!

Layer probelms and DCs due to strange Blizz doings still happen. They should opened more realms and kept HC separate from Sod and Cata.

you can res hunter pets btw, so the only realy useless spells are ankh and soulstone

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But why? Why this double standard treatment?

If death is permanent, then it should apply everywhere, even to hunter’s pet.
And I say this as someone who play hunter alt.

I try play this way because I think t rigth too … but Hunter clearly built for having pet with what you teach it. It killed me many times around - I stopped!
Same as Warlock pets re-summonned not is starter imp and get to improve every time over :wink: Is the same one every time too.

Classic era Hunter can be tedious as you frequently have to leave your pet with stable master and go tame another one just to learn higher ranks of pet abilities.

The idea is though that you should treat your pet with care.

If someone let their pet to stay behind fighting and die to whatever bad pull the hunter have made while running away to safety, then they deserve to go through the process of leveling up their pet from scratch to gain skill points.

I like Classic Hunter. I mained one from early Vanilla (alternate with my Pally), still did in Clasic and also in HC. For HC my pet died - my mistake for forget to mend him - so I think to start a new. After almost die several times because pet die in 3 secs, and did never get better because not get XP from things not kill him, I gave up idea. Of course I tame to get skills, only have not tamed the level 60 dungeon ones :wink:

When a demon is killed it doesn’t die though, it returns to the twisting nether from where it can be summoned again

I know - fantasy wise - but in function is the same as Hunter pet

waddaya mean fantasy wise! is this a game to you? :rofl: :joy:



for RP maybe it’s better to implement it as a chance of ressurection, like in real life. If you die, and got ressurected timeley, the chance will be greater… with every minute… and seconds past away, the chance of a successful res. should shrink.

but that should only exist on a RP-HC Server. And we know, a RP-HC will never exist, because of lack of $$$ for Blizz.

This is something I would never understood.
It’s RPG to being with. Why should RP-friendly gameplay mechanics apply only to RP-realms?

For me is Disconeted from the server not a death its something blizzard have create with server! I think we should get chance when are dead when log into the game agin!! not something blizzard deciede becase they have bad hardware.

I think it was last summer that they came with a huge lag spike that caused like 2000 level 60s to die in a few seconds? where could blizzard have restarted the server and brought back everyone who died? because they themselves created the problem. But not a single apology from the blizzard HC team, instead there was total silence. Many who quit then from HC, which was a great shame.

when i died i started over, deleted the figure created a new one and started over.