RP-HC thoughts on resurrections and flavor

Prefacing this with the following:
No changes to the current Hardcore. Hardcore should remain as it is, Death = Delete.

However, I have been entertaining myself by thinking up a ruleset for Role-play Hardcore that covers my only gripe: (Self-)Resurrection spells being pointless.

RP-HC could benefit from the RP element of limited resurrections; As long as your spirit has not left your body (6 min spirit release timer), you can be resurrected. Basically
Release Spirit = Dead = Delete

The thoughts on how this limitation can be enforced are as following:

  • Three strikes: every resurrection by (self/a player) reduces your spirit release timer by 2 minutes for 8 hours /played, stacking up to 24h. (Spirit healer does nothing, you released)
    – First death: 6 minutes
    – Second Death: 4 minutes
    – Third Death 2 minutes…
    – There is no fourth res.

  • Weakened Body/Res Sickness
    – Resurrection by players invokes the regular Res sickness but for much longer.

It is not in the true spirit of the Hardcore challenge but I dislike having multiple classes with totally useless spells.

Fire away.

There is one hardcore rule, one life, it’s not three, it’s one. I have never used a ress spell outside a dungeon or raid.

The only thing I would change is your ghost using the mailbox.

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People die when they are killed. No ressurections.

Hardcore has that one rule, sure. That’s the regular challenge.

The issue at hand is roleplay and the roleplay element that resurrections are canon eg. Paladin questline Tome of Divinity.

Blizzard have addressed those quests.

Would appreciate a link, I believe this but I have not seen/heard it yet.

From what I have just read it’s covered in the long youtube hardcore interview and was addressed early on in some blogs.

Sorry I don’t have a direct link.

Under PvP and Quest updates.

I appreciate your time for linking that, but the doesn’t exactly cover my role play issues : should there ever be RP-HC

The quest “The Tome of Divinity” asks the paladin to resurrect some dwarf around Stone Cairn Lake in Elwynn Forest using a quest item. It is not about the “having to be dead” to complete a quest, that is a separate and covered issue.

To me the roleplay perspective of this and access to that quest/ability to learn the spell is the unattended issue.

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I myself, have thought of somehing similar, but in a more restrictive and direct way.

Allow every character to be able to be resurrected ONLY ONCE in their lives. That’s because we play HC in a world of magic. I believe that it would be nice as a flavour for the classes who have the power resurrect peope to be able to do so. At the same time, being able to be spammed with resurrections every time you die, it’s silly and unrealistic. Ressurection should be a very rare and special process.

Having said all that, however, I believe that if we get allowed to be able to be resurrected even once, people will find ways to abuse the sh!t out of it.

  1. People might charge money for resurrection (although Mages already do it with portals), and spam advertising their services. Especially when it’s about resurrecting higher level characters they will surely ask for more.
  2. Every player will want to have an alt who is able to use resurrect on the minimum spell level of resurrection at least, in order to be able to bring friends or guildies back to life.

As a counter point, we could restirct the class with resurrection to also be able to use it only once in the game, or at least with a very long cooldown (talking about days or even weeks here).
We could also limit the resurrection to be once or X times per Player and still once per Character.

Anyways. I believe that despite the drawbacks I mentioned above, it would be interesting to see the class/social dynamic that will arise from the option of limited resurrection. I do believe that it would add a nice flavour if it would ever be allowed.

Edits: clarifications and coherence

As an additional effect : Chat mutes, no guild chat, whispers, party.

You must be rescued/resurrected within the 6 minutes (or lower, in case of lowered release timer) or you’re dead.

This would be great

If anything this should be compared to the DnD death saving throws and the exhaustion levels, considering a lot of RPG elements recur in WoW

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In my opinion, it simply shouldn’t be canon on HC.
If death is permanent, then you shouldn’t be able to resurrect even NPC.

For that matter it seems like laziness from Blizzard that they didn’t change the quest to “rush there and prevent the death of the dwarf” to get rewarded with some alternative to redemption spell, instead of “go there, perform the action that shouldn’t be possible” and get rewarded with spell that serves no purpose.

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another solution would be to just remove all (self) ressing spells so you don’t have any useless ones…

I solved by not learning, but is hard remember to not learn.

Addressed what quests? Only quests mentioned in that article are those that required player to die in order to complete them.

Quests that require you to use item to bring dead NPC back to life and reward you with (now useless) resurrection spell are unaltered.

Other classes have their resurrection spell taught by trainer just like every other ability, which I also consider bad design if you can waste coins on learning spell that serves no purpose.

Paladin have that ability gained from quest line in Stormwind or Ironforge, and those quests are in conflict with the lore on HC realm where resurrection is impossible.

Maybe I’m asking for too much, but it would make much more sense if you simply couldn’t learn resurrection spells at all on HC.
Being able to learn ability that you can’t use is bad design.

It’s official game mode on the official Classic Era WoW after all, I’m expecting this to be more distinguished from regular vanilla WoW with self-imposed rules.

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I´d like to have your problems.

It’s not that much of problem, but it certainly does ruin the immersion of the game on HC realm.

plenty of other realms that don’t have that problem. Most people are fine with dead being dead

That´s such a minute detail to ruin ones immersion if that´s even possible. I´m plenty immersed when i try not to die even with the knowledge that resurrection spells exist.