of all the stories read here, this one is the most BS hands down.
atleast to me, pathetic handling of that officer.
Another horror story:
After returning from an event, some of my guild and I encountered a random human female jumping around the Eastern Plaguelands Acherus. We didn’t think much of it, thinking it was just an OOCer.
Until they saw us RP walking, drank a Elixir of Tongues, and approached us. She was a living mortal in Acherus, so naturally, the death knights questioned her on why she was just… wandering around.
After confirming she wasn’t an escaped blood quarter victim, she was met with the polite and grace that the knights can offer.
By which we mean, we attempted to hurl her off the balcony because living aren’t allowed.
She not only managaed to dodge several attacks, but then teleported. Then not five minutes later, another death knight approached us, which was revealed to be her on another alt, calling us out to make demands of us.
After god emoting that a headbutt from an angry tauren did nothing to her, she then said she would drag us to the Dark Hold.
In which she revealed that the Eastern Plaguelands Acherus was not an Acherus to her. (Work that one out.) And she left, threatening to bring a ‘Lord’.
An empty threat as she logged back to her alt, teleported to Stormwind and acted that a rogue band of death knight Scourge attacked her.
Even in death, you can experience a Karen…
My opinion of it is a bit more nuanced than that.
Maybe the officer didn’t look into the details of how Empyrium ore worked, since there were almost none. All we could find out was that every recipe involving it required Primal Sargerite too. Perhaps they just thought that they were providing the blacksmith with a really cool high-level material to work with.
Maybe my character and the blacksmith character really did go against the spirit of the Mag’har by using the blood of Sargeras to create a weapon, something that we as players didn’t realise until it was too late, because we just came out of an expansion that normalised the blood of Sargeras as a ubiquitous crafting material.
It could have been a test of the orcishness of our characters from the very beginning and maybe they should have dumped the Empyrium ore as soon as they discovered that it required the blood of a fel-corrupted Titan. In which case, it was a test that our characters legitimately failed.
The only part which I consider dumb was the breaking of the Empyrium weapon over the officer’s knee, which just felt like a bit of a “look at how big and strong my character is” moment. But otherwise, there were no OOC hard feelings. The blacksmith got a name change and appearance change and made a new character for the guild, while I moved on because I didn’t really have any other character concept in mind that could work with the guild at the time.
The incident left a bad taste in my mouth, sure, but that’s because I have a different approach to roleplaying and I like to OOC make sure that everyone is on the same page. I was the only one to make an OOC remark about the situation in guild chat as it unfolded along the lines of “isn’t this just a big misunderstanding,” which got no response.
It was an IC conflict that was resolved IC and most people who were involved seemed okay with it. I was the only one who felt weird about the whole situation, so I moved on. I’m still left scratching my head a little to this day, hence me bringing it up as a “horror story,” but I wouldn’t say there’s any hard feelings.
Look. I’m a furry and I did music as my education. This was inevitably going to be my fate.
But seriously there are people who have imgur galleries of their character where there are over 100 images of said character and that blows my mind. Obviously everyone gets art for different reasons - personally I get pieces to either commemorate a notable moment of character development or to express a character’s main traits visually - so to me that many pieces is baffling because there is almost certainly going to be some thematic overlaps or even thematic redundancy.
Maybe I’m looking at it from a kind of narrow perspective, but to me getting that much art for one character is genuinely something I cannot wrap my head around.
Though this criticism - if it even is one - only really applies to people paying money to get something made. Artists often need to do warmups or practices so with them I can see how they would accrue so many pieces.
Aside from the tales of creepoids trying to treat RP like a graphic novel sim most other tales just smack of elitism.
oh no I had the displeasure of dealing with someone who didn’t roleplay to my exacting and specific headcanons - A HORROR.
Some people have more money than sense, some people are just very passionate about their hobbies and pursuits. Honestly if it makes someone happy and they’re not doing causing wilful or malicious harm to others around them let them get on with it.
Most of these ‘horror stories’ could have been avoided by simply curating yourself, your time and your space in RP better.
But I realise that is quite the ask for the average AD enjoyer.
Ah, Coldforge. He still owes me 20k.
Well, the point is to… Speak about unpleasant… RP moments. That’s what I wanted to read. People’s stories about how their experience was CRINGE.
This isn’t a manhunt post, we’re not going to track these BASTARDS and put them in a dwarf furnace. Sometimes you just wanna talk about, or listen to, subjective bad experiences.
I saw Brodef again today. A lvl 10 dwarf shaman. Wonder if it’s the same one or an imposter amogus.
I mean, i know people who love the Rp but hate describing their characters so they basically just draw the character as their description.
Character has tattoo on arm? Here’s a pic of it on show. They have a scar? Here’s where it is and how it looks etc.
Not to my taste, I am very description forward which is okay for RP profiles but not when writing a book.
Me with 100+ images of Vaxir She just changed SO MUCH since I created her and ogghh, getting pics of things outta your brain and onto an image is so goooood.
I want more of all my chars but money…
I was going through my old screenshots just yesterday and found some from this exact encounter
My horror story would also come from that particular time period, when the tensions began rising and the split in the Horde was becoming more evident. There was a particular type of people who wanted to rp this out, but they wanted to have their cake and eat it too. Shouting big words, but when we came running after them, they logged off, killing any potential rp. Especially funny was that one of the guilds who liked to do this had a forum post here that specified they are not looking for IC conflict with anyone, while simultaneously screaming in Orgrimmar and stoking that conflict.
Back during the glory days of a bustling Silvermoon, I made the dire mistake of wandering into the Bazaar with the intention of having my character and a close friend of his purchase some supplies for a journey towards the undead infested Ghostlands.
Even as we were emoting doing as much, we were both shocked to read emotes from one of the other nearby roleplayers. We were sadly exposed to her emoting giving birth in intricate detail within the fountain. As she depicted it, the fountain itself ran red with blood…much to the horror of those choosing to acknowledge it. We did not and quickly prepared to take our leave of the area.
Her baby apparently died during the birth itself. She spared a single line of text to depict her character mourning such a heavy loss…and then immediately decided to hook up with someone nearby to go and grab some drinks inside the adjacent inn as if none of that had just transpired.
I think I remember you guys.
I don’t recall if I intimidated you or if you saw a bigger and better target.
Anyway I promised I would dive into some old self reporting horror stories.
So once long long long ago, back in late TBC I roleplayed in Goldshire.
and some of you might have heard me say “i’ve been there and done that” on topics like this.
I would roleplay gnomes as children and have family rp in the boat house in Goldshire.
I once roleplayed a half brother of a lore character.
I played house rp as a dog using the druid bear form and cat form.
and I have even ERPed.
I tend to filter out a lot of the bad stories and focus on the few dirty gems from my time there, but that can be saved for another day.
Let me tell you a short story:
Once upon a time I was playing a night elf female in stormwind, and I met a guy.
we hooked up and moved to Goldshire where we rp’ed a happy family, even adopted some other players to be our children (played by gnomes).
the guy stopped showing up one day and it all fell to pieces and I moved on.
Its a tame horror story and in reality its really just cringe.
The horror is that I was underage at the time of this story and didn’t know better.
Once, I enjoyed playing healers, going from place to place offering an indispensible service, valued and beloved.
Coming across a struggle in the streets, a woman was soon stabbed and started bleeding out in the most gruesome of ways. Her friends fearing for her life, she was surely only moments from crossing over to be judged by the big robot in the sky. I stepped up to perform my sacred charge.
The woman however did not respond to being healed in the slightest, dramatically continuing to writhe, bleed and cry, basking in the concern of her friends until she was carried away solemnly, still leaking, to be healed by what I can only presume to be another friend.
This same incident repeated itself with a worgen stabbed in the neck during a bar brawl, her life hanging by a thread as she had at most a minute to live. This time, I was berated OOC in whispers for trying to help.
Some time later in Darkshire of all places, I came across a man bleeding from an indistinct injury with his wife at his side begging for a healer. As fate would have it, nothing would stem the flow of his life leaving him and he soon grew cold on the cobblestones with his beloved weeping.
Being the healer, I was of course blamed by the gathered crowd for the man’s demise and offered to attempt a resurrection. Granted the chance to redeem myself in the eyes of the community, I put my best emoting chops into reviving the unfortunate man, his eyes opening.
He shambled to his feet, groaning while his wife screamed in terror. Her beloved had returned as a zombie and I was thrown out for violating the dead.
At least the last part was kind of funny. I don’t RP healers anymore.
This Is a Certified Hood Classic
omg i’ve never seen this before
what a response
chat is this real?
Bit of a longer one this, another tale from my Sha’tar days.
Part of this took place before I started there, but there was a group of Eastern Kingdom based guilds in TBC that came together to form a council. They wanted to help out the Nelves and Draenei on Kalimdor so decided to come together and appoint a liaison to the Night Elf and Draenei guilds. This person would represent the council and feedback how they could help, from a role playing perspective.
They decided to elect a person who wasn’t part of the council. A mage if I remember right who was generally thought well off in the community, but wasn’t part of any guilds. He was thought of as being able to travel easily, well spoken and had Elf and Draenei friends and a good IC and OOC rep. He accepted the position and went off to Kalimdor to speak with the guilds there.
He arrived a little while later in Ashenvale, declaring himself, much to everyone’s surprise, Regent of Kalimdor on behalf of the Alliance. Naturally, the Elves were not pleased and went off to Ironforge to interrupt the council meeting. The Council, only a few of which were present, were quite surprised when an army of Elves stormed in asking what was going on with a human deciding to ‘occupy’ Kalimdor. Naturally, the Council was quite confused and assumed there had been a misunderstanding. They invited the Elves to join the Council and suggested they all go together to investigate.
The council, now having inducted some Elves into their ranks, made for Ashenvale, where they found the ‘Regent’ set up in that little house that borders Ashenvale and Darkshore. As a mage, he had fortified it with wards and spells and declared it his ‘seat’ from which he would ‘Regent’ I suppose, and amazingly he had recruited some local Elf role players as guards. I was in Ashenvale at the time on my draenei having just joined a Draenei guild. I was entirely new to role play so when I saw a joint Alliance task force riding by, I followed after them, on hoof, and watched what happened.
They arrived to find the Regent holding court and between his wards and guards the Council could not force their way in. So, one of the councillors shouted for him to come out and face them. The Regent strode over to the balcony, looking down at the forces before him. Now it transpired that when he had been appointed as the Council’s liaison, he hadn’t met these particular members of the council, so to the Regent, this was just a random army come to depose him. He declared this an act against the Council and a crime just short of treason.
A short battle broke out, with elves and Council members firing arrows and the odd spell, mages were not many in number, against the Regent and his small but fortified force. The Dwarven council members wanted to use explosives, but the Elves forbade it, so they could only use smaller bows and guns, while the Regent, who was himself a mage, was hurtling fire back at them.
Eventually, he came out and there was round of questions and explanations. He agreed to go back to Ironforge with the Council and Elves to explain himself the next day, it was 3am at this point. I heard that the Council met the next day to explosive arguments. The Council members who weren’t there saw this as an attack on the Council and Alliance by the Elves, the Elves saw it as Stormwind trying to occupy Kalimdor and the Regent denied any responsibility, as his duties had been poorly defined by the Council.
The Council eventually fell apart, which is a shame because they had good intentions, but the chap who was Regent kept his title in his back story and as people forgot about the Council, they just assumed he had some level of authority they were not privy too.
Similar thing happened to me, once.
I was playing a squire character, who was traveling through Duskwood, when I walked past a massive battle-scene. You know the drill, giant shadow monster and 30 players huddled around it fighting.
Now, I was not willing to get into the fight, due to IC and OOC reasons, but I still wanted to contribute by healing. So I picked up the nearest person laying on the ground, a lady from the Arathi Horselords, and leaned her up against a nearby tree so I could try and heal her wounds. Of course I was aware of the reputation of the AHL, but I wanted to form my own opinion, and not rely solely on hearsay.
So, my character pulled off his gloves, said a prayer to the light, and did his best to try and heal her wounds, and she started…moaning. Not in the “Oh my god I’ve been flung 20 meters through the air” kind of moan, which I’d characterise as a groan, but the other kind of moan. Then she started to say things like “Ooh yeah, that’s good…a little more to the…oooh that hit the spot mmm”.
And meanwhile I’m just sitting here awkward as a duck. This is not what I signed up for when I rolled through Duskwood on a well-meaning, altruistic character!
Needless to say, I did not linger IC.
Jury’s still out on whether or not I’ll RP a healer again, but it certainly won’t be with the AHL.
That’s a certain kind of player I tried to avoid back when I did healing. They crave the attention and the cute nurse RP and that’s it. It’s the sort of behaviour that’d have me leave them in other capable and more willing hands while I tended more urgent wounds on big RP campaigns. A professional has no time for your flirting, ma’am.