RP Incentive interest check: Server Wide Happenings

At last we’re live! Check out Roleplay Incentive: Happenings to find the current Happening and feel free to post your characters reaction to it!

Additionally I’ve had a few questions about Happenings that I’ll answer here as well as update on the main post:

Q. What if I don’t think the current Happening makes sense or would work in the world?

A. Feel free to ignore it! We try to encourage Happenings to be viable/possible events in the world of Azeroth. Things that could/might/can happen rather than extreme or bizarre ideas. However if you don’t want to acknowledge the current Happening, past Happenings or future Happenings you do not have to. By all means outright ignore folks talking about it or just say “I heard that’s just a rumour.” Remember, it is a tool to help not hinder!

Q. What if I cba with another discord server to sit in?

A. You do not have to join our discord to take part, though we’d love to have you. All relevant information about Happenings is posted here or in the other Happenings thread. It’s easier for us to take a look at a Happening suggestion and comment on it in the Discord but the forums work for us too!

Q. Who can post a suggestion for a Happening? Are they voted on by a select group?

Q. Anyone is free to make a suggestion. here or on the discord be it a Happening or the project as a whole. As to who votes, everyone in the server is free to but does not have to. Thus far we’ve not had any Happening suggestions ‘rejected’ as it were as they are generally designed to be flexible, light weight and possible on Azeroth. All members of the discord have access to all the server channels as I believe in transparency in these things and do not wish to cause division.

Q. How do you decide which Happening to do?

A. At current we’re using a voting system. I make a straw poll with the suggestions we have. People read the suggestions and vote. I think we’ll likely keep this system as it seems fairly democratic. To keep things fresh I’ll probably put a ‘cool down’ on Happenings once they’ve been won a vote. Some of them wouldn’t make sense to happen twice in a row!

Q. How often do Happenings happen?

A. At present we’re thinking a Happening will last about two weeks. We’ve plans to have two Happenings running at once with the first one starting one week and half way through that a second one starts so that they over lap and are frequent enough to be useful. This way if you do not like a current Happening, you only have to wait a week for the next one. I think we’ll try to avoid two majorly severe Happenings occurring at once or a pair that don’t mix well.