RP Incentive interest check: Server Wide Happenings

Great, I joined the discord because I’m very curious about the suggestions and stuff.

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I’ve also jumped in, should be interesting. Looking forward.

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Funnily enough, in this little template happening Night Elves have a more significant role than in the whole World of Warcraft lore.


Hey gang. I thought I’d bring what I think is an important issue to the table quickly. The frequency of Happenings.

At present, my own feelings on the issue is that one happening should finish as the new one begins every fortnight (2 weeks). This gives people ample time to react to the current Happening, plan potential events and get a good degree of conversation about the current Happening before the new Happening begins. It also allows time for the passing of news, because after all word takes time to travel, and for things to settle down again toward the end of the Happening.

I initially thought of having a Monthly Happening but I feel this model would only allow for twelve Happenings a year and if you didn’t like the current Happening or if it didn’t affect you, that would be 30/31 days of not being able to get much use out of the system.

I’ll drop a strawpoll below, feel free to vote or leave a comment!



I have joined the discord and look forward to happenings…happening. :slight_smile:

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How about a two weekly happening but them lasting variable amount of time?

It makes sense for some happening to only last 2 weeks, but for someone who isn’t RPing every day 2 weeks is actually a very short time and the happening would be over before you could even react in more then a ‘Hey, have you heard about the lumber shortage?’ type thing.

Also some other happening might take longer to be resolved, it really depends on what the happening is. And I also think they could overlap each other.

It’s just an idea.


So with the poll results being 71% in favour of fortnightly events and 29% of votes in favour of monthly and jumping off of Suraia’s idea suggested on the forums, it might make sense to have one Happening last for two weeks and approximately half way through this a second happening could occur. Naturally this could be dependant on the Happening itself and it would indeed make sense that there is the possibility that a Happening could affect an already occurring Happening.

I also like the idea of a Happening rolling over or perhaps escalating, take for example my Night Elf sabotage suggestion. Perhaps, determined maybe by a roll or discussion, the Night Elf campaign escalates into larger scale battles or the Horde manage to push the Elves back but make an effort to counter attack essentially starting a new Happening off the back of the first one.

Curious to see what folks think. And as always, feel free to join the Discord, post suggestions for Happenings or Suggestions in general!


I do quite like this idea, especially if these ‘happenings’ coalesce into one large storylines and the outcomes of one potentially influence the way another is handled. For example; the lumber shortage could influence either the building of new trebuchet’s or catapults that aid in the war, making it difficult to build functioning ones or repair those already available to us.

I don’t think a roll or discussion is necessary to make these influences, but more so, an outcome of the story. If the Night Elves succeed in sabotaging, then it escalates, if they fail, the leave with their tails between their legs and the Horde gain the upperhand or something? I’m not sure if I understand or if I’m explaining correctly. x3


The idea is a good one and there’s no fault in it however, getting the ‘wheel’ turning so to speak and keeping it going is the issue. I think to make it really work you’ll need to get a sense of how invested people actually are. In other words; don’t accept anyone and everyone (to begin with). Or have a trial period or something that’ll distinguish how serious they are about it. Otherwise you can end up with a lot of stagnant storylines and no one appearing for the actual sessions.

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Thanks for the feedback!

Just to make sure things aren’t misunderstood, as the wording of your last sentence makes me believe you may have picked up my idea wrong or more likely I explained it poorly, there aren’t any ‘events’ or ‘sessions’ that people show up to directly associated with me or the Happenings.

The Happenings themselves are supposed to essentially be… news and rumours of what is going on around the world. So when I put up a Happening, say the one I posted as an example, I myself won’t specifically be in Ashenvale to DM an event or host anything. The Happening is essentially just an idea that is out there with a bit of story attached to it designed to allow people to discuss goings on in the world or even, if they are so inclined, use it to make their own events.

At present we have discussed a few ideas about how some Happenings might evolve into larger events. Take for example, again, my suggestion above. If people vote or post a lot of feedback about a particular Happening they are enjoying, then it could be extended or move into a second phase, say the Night Elf rebels do enough damage to warrant a proper Horde counter attack or the elves recruit volunteers to really step things up. This way people in SW might be ale to say to one another “Blimey, you hear about those Night elf rebels? I heard they’ve done so much damage the Horde has started sending out squads to look for them?” Just little things like that to both encourage people to create their own events or campaigns out of a short 2-3 paragraph idea on the forum AND have something to talk about.

At present we’ve got a small group (10 people) in the discord at the moment, some offering suggestions for Happenings others offering ideas about the ‘project’ as a whole. You are more than welcome to join to offer your own Happenings, ideas or even just listen in and what have you.

As mentioned before, I’m still thinking the first week of January for the first Happening so that leaves ample time to sort things out and really flesh out the idea!

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I’ve had the pleasure of Vashnu’s company! Lovely events, like the idea a lot too! Would be interesting to take part (even if i need to find a more appropriate char)


So new update!

A few more Happening suggestions have been typed up by our talented role players! Additionally we’ve talked about what is mentioned in the above post. Today I want to look at how we choose each new Happening. I’m between 2-3 methods that I’ve listed below.

The advantage of a discussion is that we can pick a Happening and chat about the benefits of it, when to do it and where to do it. It gives us a wide range of freedom and we could use deliberate Happenings to work with people throwing role play campaigns. However, it could possibly mean that some Happenings are never used due to their location specificity, not being quite as exciting or just being less impactful. It also creates an atmosphere, I feel, of making the Happenings a little less random and more like targeted role play tools used by a small cadre of players. While this in a sense is a good thing as it is intended as an RP tool, I want people to be able to use them freely and not feel they have to talk to a group about it!

Rolls seem an easy way of doing it. It allows for more randomness to what comes next, removes any threat of the Happenings seeming to be controlled by a small group rather than controlled by the community. It does mean however that there is a chance that some events might never get used or we’d see two random weather events in a row!

Or perhaps we could use some variation of the two. If one Happening seems to be getting good feedback we could choose to continue the story rather than roll for a new one.

Of course I am open to suggestions!

Perhaps we should get some Campaign hosts in on this? Create a campaign only suggestion and see how it affects camp and battle rp?


I’m really looking forward to the start of this and hope there will be loads of fun things we can all make great RP around.

If you want to help there is a discord you can join for suggestions and involvement!

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At last we’re live! Check out Roleplay Incentive: Happenings to find the current Happening and feel free to post your characters reaction to it!

Additionally I’ve had a few questions about Happenings that I’ll answer here as well as update on the main post:

Q. What if I don’t think the current Happening makes sense or would work in the world?

A. Feel free to ignore it! We try to encourage Happenings to be viable/possible events in the world of Azeroth. Things that could/might/can happen rather than extreme or bizarre ideas. However if you don’t want to acknowledge the current Happening, past Happenings or future Happenings you do not have to. By all means outright ignore folks talking about it or just say “I heard that’s just a rumour.” Remember, it is a tool to help not hinder!

Q. What if I cba with another discord server to sit in?

A. You do not have to join our discord to take part, though we’d love to have you. All relevant information about Happenings is posted here or in the other Happenings thread. It’s easier for us to take a look at a Happening suggestion and comment on it in the Discord but the forums work for us too!

Q. Who can post a suggestion for a Happening? Are they voted on by a select group?

Q. Anyone is free to make a suggestion. here or on the discord be it a Happening or the project as a whole. As to who votes, everyone in the server is free to but does not have to. Thus far we’ve not had any Happening suggestions ‘rejected’ as it were as they are generally designed to be flexible, light weight and possible on Azeroth. All members of the discord have access to all the server channels as I believe in transparency in these things and do not wish to cause division.

Q. How do you decide which Happening to do?

A. At current we’re using a voting system. I make a straw poll with the suggestions we have. People read the suggestions and vote. I think we’ll likely keep this system as it seems fairly democratic. To keep things fresh I’ll probably put a ‘cool down’ on Happenings once they’ve been won a vote. Some of them wouldn’t make sense to happen twice in a row!

Q. How often do Happenings happen?

A. At present we’re thinking a Happening will last about two weeks. We’ve plans to have two Happenings running at once with the first one starting one week and half way through that a second one starts so that they over lap and are frequent enough to be useful. This way if you do not like a current Happening, you only have to wait a week for the next one. I think we’ll try to avoid two majorly severe Happenings occurring at once or a pair that don’t mix well.


Delighted with “The last of the soldiers” happening, to support these rumours as a Penal Company ourselves we will be patrolling around Elywnn Forest this Friday!


Hello gang!

Tomorrow a new Happening will begin which will overlap with the current one. “That’s the last of the soldiers” will end on the 4th of Feb and this new one will start tomorrow! I thought I might offer you guys the chance to vote on the next one.

The poll shall include the names of the current submitted Happenings and will allow you to vote for which one you might prefer. If you want the full context of the Happening before voting you’ll need to join the discord server and take a peek but for now I’ll leave the poll here for you to take a vote! Thanks!


Don’t forget to vote for the next happening everyone :slight_smile:


The poll is now open for next week’s happening! Our first Happening “That’s the last of the soldiers…” will come to an end on Monday with the rumours, press gangs and what have you dying down. Or maybe it never happened at all, such is the fickle nature of the Happenings!

Elune hides her face will continue for another week but in place of That’s the last of the soldiers a new Happening will take place. Feel free to vote on which one you think sounds the most interesting by using the poll below! Thanks again for any interest or participation and extra thanks to all those who have submitted happenings or supported the ‘project’ from the start.



The last Happening “That’s the last of the soldiers” resulted in the Twelfth and the Adventures Coalition having a nifty little event that enriched the world as a whole… for just those two groups though.

I suggest contacting the Stormwind Observer found here The Stormwind Observer is looking for wanted criminals!

Perhaps they could do an article on some happenings some time would really flesh out the world if these topics were on a newspaper!