The Stormwind Observer is looking for wanted criminals!

So for those not familiar, the Stormwind Observer is an in-game newspaper keeping up with the player created drama and events of AD, aswell as add a little immersion to the world. Its run through an independent website and i’ve recently added a new feature, namely a bounty board that is meant to help those with characters who are wanted and bounty hunters find eachother!

website address is stormwindo . com !

For wanted criminals

If your char is a wanted criminal and you are willing to suffer the repercussions of being wanted by the law then feel free to contact us and we’ll help make you a wanted poster!

For bounty hunters
If the wanted poster has a lion insignia on it, its to signify that it is a player, is is possible to claim an NPC bounty but i’d rather you do it with a guild, through a fun event or something like that so it produces some fun interesting RP :slight_smile:

For people who want to join the Observer

We’re open to take in people with chars’ with limited job opportunities (disabled, low skill, too young/old ecetera) to sell the newspaper in Stormwind and elsewhere so if your char needs a job but you don’t want them to ‘progress’ out of a difficult situation like poverty or the like then we are happy to facilitate you!

We also take in talented writers and the creative sort if you want to try your luck as an in-game journalist. Just send your application through the website in the application tab!

For readers

Because it is really just me doing this, I took a long hiatus (from June to November) because wow isn’t very fun anymore but i’m back now due to the RP community still going strong and I find this to be fun! I hope to get the word out there that it exists to any and all new RPers or people who haven’t heard about us before. Hope you like it and that we’ll have a good 2019! <3


Action is coming.

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Action is coming?

Just get my good side.

Good luck with this, seems interesting!

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I nominate Shellby. Known Horde sympathizer, sells us wares like outhouse paper and important intel.


So sweet <3

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I like this initiative, and I may apply as journalist. :octopus:

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Throw the names of every Horde dog onto your list!

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You planning on having war correspondents?

I am really happy you are back and going Shellby! A storm is coming…prepare!

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Ah yes. I see we’ve been caught in the act by the famous reporter.
Thank you for spreading the fear of the Red Flame >:D


I would like to personally file in a complaint in behalf of the Free Company. In regards of your article, ‘Free Companions lose horses to the Men of Good Faith’, whereupon you go into great lenghts to describe our band as ineffective, lackluster and fiendish when it comes to honouring our deals. This current article simply, and plainly, is propaganda of the leftist, internationalist and atheist Baron William the Bastard! Hrumph, I say, hrumpf!

We’re more than happy to provide our take on the whole ordeal and help you correct these ‘fake’ news about our fair Company and correct you on the path to more righteous and honest coverage.

Good day!


Yep! I do that sometimes, not had anyone else willing to do it though

I got a Company full of them :smiley:

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Unsure if you take bounty posters for Hordies, but if we require an extra forum for us to throw our posters, I’ll give you a ping for sure.


Thanks for the article, it really does mske azeroth feel immersive and large! I dont think you guys get enough credit for your work :slight_smile:

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Do you still need reporters?

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This is literally my new favorite thing, love it.


Yep, always looking for new talent, just click on the applications tab on the website and write an application!

I actually look to the Observer to keep up to date on what is transpiring in the Crimson Compass Campaign, thank you for your consistency!

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