[RP] Kalimdor Rumor Mill; Revived đŸŸ

Previous one was made a Tarren Mill instead so here is the reboot. Behave.

For reference: Kalimdor Rumor Mill: Reborn 🌙

Winterspring has seen night elf visitors, among them one who has been helping the locals of Starfall Village with their day-to-day work, from hunting wildlife for food to gathering supplies, she has also planted glowing marks on the walls of the village and its barrow den.

The marks are a variety of paws, dolphin tails and crescent moons, they all glow a faint blue and emit a faint hum. A contribution to the village’s own defenses.


A lone Tauren, pale of hide, has been spotted wandering the woodlands of Winterspring, seemingly keeping to himself and maintaining a wide berth between himself and Starfall village.

Smoke can sometimes be seen rising out from above the trees, presumably from a campfire.


A lone Silver Hand paladin is reported to be travelling through the wilds of Ashenvale, blessing and digging graves for fallen Alliance left behind in recent skirmishes. A Horde scout reports being attacked by the man, fleeing back to his post to escape a hail of zealous curses and blasts of Light.


A number of orcs, trolls and tauren has been seen around in Winterspring. As they rode the frozen landscape, banners with a motive of a wolf’s head waved in the air.
They’ve been seen scouting the lands, hunting wildlife and gathering what supplies they may find.

Few Horde that still linger around Darkshore and Ashenvale have reportedly been attacked by a group of Kaldorei. Whilst some of the horde have been ‘fortunate’ enough to die a warriors death, it’s been reported that a few others have gone missing through capture. Despite the ‘supposed’ armstice.


Various travellers and scouts have noted the too familiar sight of a ruined tauren caravan half way between the path of the Crossroads to Durotar.

Curiously, instead of the expected bodies, broken corpses of kaldorei and worgen lay littered around it. Etched on to the remaining leather of the caravan was a small message roughly translated to “The price of your vengeance.”


On a number of noticeboards throughout Kalimdor a notice is displayed, calling for Gilneans to aid in the ongoing struggle in Gilneas against Death Knights robbing graveyards and battlefields of corpses and using them to nefarious purposes


Rumours spread of bloodshed in Durotar

A unit of wolf-riding Raiders storm through the red sands. A Gronnling follows behind them, an Orc sat upon it’s back. Opposite them, a group of people fleeing - people alien to these lands. They were men and women of the Alliance, heading for the coast. Before they could reach water however, all of them were swallowed up by the hungry jaws of the Horde.
Something was going on, so close to the city of Orgrimmar, something being kept quiet to the masses

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After a tumultuous campaign (and many, MANY complaints), change finally comes to Orgrimmar. After a multitude of horrific incidents, teenage disasters, and poor life choices, Gravy finally took down the infamous Hammock 19 in the Wyvern’s Tail. After many series of hard-level scrapings, biological decontamination, and one instance of the Witch Doctors being called for an exorcism, Orgrimmar’s famous ‘Teen Shacking Scene’ will be cleaned and brought up to code. Hammocks 18 and 20 will be unaffected for rentals.

Imagine the smell


Is that
 tomato sauce?


wait what???


excuse me what


This is one of the most cursed things ive read on the forums


Is this the new iteration of the (in)famous jar with sauce? :upside_down_face:

Cause if it is, please someone kill me on the spot.


The Legion’s corruption is spreading


Word flies around the enchanted forest of Ashenvale of battle between Elves, Worgen and the bestial races of a so called, “Thirteenth Legion” Splintertree shows signs of battle, blood staining the leaves, as the river crossing between Eastern Ashenvale and Western is bloated, and has broken its bank.

Rayenwood retreat now shows signs of battle, the refuge, licked by flames. Astranaar boasts a group of insurgents, wet from recent conflict


Deep in the forest of Feralas drums can be heard faintly, along with songs sung in Taurahe. Sections of the forest seemingly grow more dense the closer to the sound you venture until it is nigh impossible to venture any further. Only to have the next day, the area where the Flora was densest give way to any venturers whose curiosity needs to be sated. Left behind are small clearings where camp fires once burned brightly. Totems stand proudly scribed with visions from a Spiritwalker, the meanings of which are unclear and chaotic.


Almost as if sensing trouble ahead of the insurgents arriving, a visiting human woman paid her lodgings and left Astranaar with little fanfare. She was last seen heading into the wilderness, abandoning the roads entirely.

As the hours drag on into the night and the moons rise in the heavens, the beasts of Ashenvale are reminded of why the Howling Vale has that chilling a name.