RP Misfit Characters?

Ah no worries! Hah! Fun discussion on forums; bound to be a bit messy :sweat_smile::beers:

Yes! I do tend to focus on my characters acting, they will act only on things I deem them fitting to do. They will interrupt if they feel like they have to contribute etc.

Mostly I really enjoy the the DIs because they “were” evil. You can really have some captivating and great RP from that very contrast!

And I getcha! But yes! Dorfs and IRONS! HEH! Tis good! But - you have the issue of very little spotlight being cast on the race of Dwarves; resulting in a lot of WH Themed dorfs going around grudging and hating all that is taller than themselves :fire:

That and a lot of peeps make dorfs to blow of serious RP steam - making dwarven alts that are loud - rude and all that great stuff (again, WH being a primary influence)

But the themes are nice and good, a lot of good storylines around the different clans. I would say there is not much dwarven RP - but the quality is very high! :beers:

I was underpaid by a silver! This cannot go unanswered.

Anyway, on the topic of misfits, I have an Illidari trio (one Nelf DH, two Thalassian warlocks). They fight and hunt demons to protect people, but are largely shunned.
The warlocks represent bad memories from Outland and the night elf looks rather like a satyr.
The way I find more RP is by using my additional accounts and the demons I can summon to make a bit more activity which can get people involved to make a ground work for cooperation and friendships.

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Some night elves did return back to Kalimdor to rebuild, some did not - most isolated group would be those who returned to Kalimdor and refused peace treaty, whether it was because of Tyrande’s choice or their own reasons. Or stray groups generally - some would find themselves more at home within Alliance ranks, for, again, in-character reasons.

I doubt by saying a general point of view ever means whole species, otherwise we could point at other races and argue very similar things. And argument is what I’m not further going to participate, as it’s going to derail the thread.

Should be added, I’m still keeping a curious eye on the thread, if others have experiences of playing a misfit character they could share, or ideas how to find some easily approachable RP for them. Without getting into anything too goofy, perhaps. ^^

Okay City Tauren.

Having a city = not the same as having a Human City.
Unless you mean Taurens 100% would fit into Stormwind City life?

I mean, Baine was hanging out in Stormwind just fine.

A city is a city.
Elves can and do live in human cities.
I do not see your point.
Also, post on topic, tramp.

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Big mood

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I think misfit characters are at their best when they are part of a guild or a group where they are a bit out of the line. They can’t stand out too much tho, just enough that they may generate some tension or minor conflict, but not too much so that they would derail plotlines.

My best personal experiences have perhaps both been warlock characters. First one was an orc warlock whose very being gave out a screaming amount of bad vibes to almost everyone. He definitely showed everyone one that he was very adept in all manner of foul magics and that he was quite smart and cunning on top of that, which added to the distrust towards him. Yet despite all that he was always playing for the team and aiding his fellow yet reluctant clansmen in their battles and troubles. He was the necessary evil of the group and it worked well in there. And I think it added to the flavour that some characters were more than often expecting or preparing for his “grand betrayal” which never came, yet might have come at some point.

Another one was when I played undercover warlock in a real do-gooders guild. I got in when I had rp:d with the officer of the said guild with my other toon and he offered me a spot in the guild. That guild really did not like warlocks, but as that was my only toon at the blue side back then, we agreed that we’d go with undercover warlock. So basicly my wlock in that guild participated normally in the events, but used mostly fire magics. The fun part came when my wlock had been in the guild for a long time and he started to get some leeway regarding warlock magics. For example would a zealous paladin rat out a warlock who saves the paladin’s life using fel magics?

I’ve been lucky to be part of the guilds mentioned above, but I’ve also ran into the same situations as the others that for example a new guilds gm doesn’t even give my char a chance. Perhaps they are inexperienced or on the contrary they have had bad experiences regarding misfit characters. Communication is the key, but if even that doesn’t work then maybe it’s worth checking other guild or group options.


Well, I can’t judge for the Alliance side as I’ve never properly played there but on the Horde I had a Fel Orc character for a while and I never really got to play him… until the Cleft found me c: And now I have a great time being able to play him.

If you look long enough or hang around enough, someone from the right guild might find you <3

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The pool of available guild in Alliance/Stormwind has considerably reduced. To the point most that should be considered ‘misfit’ are accepted even in lawful environment.

I play my druid relatively strict about some dark arts and it’s actually more difficult for me to have my character proves a point against some magics than actually playing an outspoken warlock.

What is your definition of misfit, for your character, what are you exactly looking for?

I think a misfit characters are characters that somehow deviate from generally accepted norms, making them distrusted, feared, disliked or even hated. They might deal with dark powers or criminal activities. They might be selfish, ruthless or have some other less appreciated personality trait. They can be many things, but they are not necessarily evil characters.


The Illidari Inquisition likes to know your location.

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Don’t worry, I’ll sanction it.

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Did anyone said cultist?

There is a cultist guild around.
But shh it’s a secret cult.

Taking orders from someone else? Poor sod… Im a master.

My character more has a … mutual agreement. He gets fun things and protection, the one he follows gets his knowledge, experience, sneaky side, all that!

Pfff, what do you take me for, a servant?!

Why yes my good fellow.

This, exactly. It feels incredibly passive aggressive actually. I’m just asking a question? Rather than have us folks suffer in our minority… we could actually seek each other out for Rp. I don’t want to build a guild.

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It’d be nice to be amongst other Rpers who don’t condemn/Not interact with someone based on the fact you Rp a warlock/necromancer/other. The KING of Stormwind/The Alliance welcomed them into the fold years and years ago (warlocks, Death knights – heck demon hunters which if they lost their SANITY could cause chaos). Any good Lock knows not to summon demons in Stormwind. lol.

Just a place for chars who don’t adhere to Knightly/ Holy RP. I’m rather sick of it tbf.

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