[RP] Neutral (Horde) guilds recruiting mages?

Hey there!

I may have to rename this title, but I simply wanted to ask:

  • Do we have any Horde guilds which could make use of supportive magic wielders?
  • Are there any guilds that would like to work together with Alliance-side neutral guilds?
  • Are there any Horde-“neutral”-guilds for magic users?
  • Do collaborations between both factions exist between roleplayers or is it mainly “meet in Dalaran”-RP?

I do not mean: “Magic-users only”-guilds. Anything from clans, groups, travelers, etc, will do just fine!

Thank you for any feedback and help!

Since I always wanted to have more of a neutral RP character and because I want more Horde people to come visit The Nocturne, I hoped that this way I could find people IC and possibly even join a guild on Horde!

I’ve been wanting to try myself out on Horde-RP, but am not sure if I can come up with a totally new concept so I’d like to try… neutral RP for now. If anyone has any pointers or wishes to message me on discord, feel free to add me:


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